文件大小: unknow
源码售价: 5 个金币 积分规则     积分充值
资源说明:"Scouts" an RSS feed and posts to an IRC channel or channels, based on search terms (or use search term "all" for all feed entries)

edit config files and run bot!

(1) rssLinks.txt (semi-colon separates fields): 

url;channel1,channel2;color;search term1, search term2, search term3

Example:;#rss-scout,#channel-2;cyan;xbox,360,battlefield 3

Use "all" (without quotes) for a search term to have all feeds sent to channel

Acceptable colors: black, blue, bold, brown, cyan, dark_blue, dark_gray, dark_green, green, light_gray, magenta, olive, purple, red, teal, white, yellow, normal

(2) scout.conf

operLine is in case you want to oper the bot so it can post with a really low messageDelay for faster posting to chan (safe setting is 750)
timeBetweenSearches is in minutes
lastReadLoc for windows is lastRead\\, linux is lastRead/ 

To start bot: 

windows: click RssScout.jar or run java -jar RssScout.jar from command line (clicking will run in background, command line you will see details)
linux: java -jar RssScout.jar from terminal

To kill process in windows look for javaw process and end it (assumes you are only running one java application)

Windows tip: to easily run from command line go to folder where RssScout.jar is, hold shift and right click in the window, select "open command prompt here"
then just type java -jar RssScout.jar


Feel free to copy/modify/distribute this code however you want. 
Thanks to PircBot java irc bot framework (

Windows: lastReadLoc = lastRead\\
Linux: lastReadLoc = lastRead/
