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资源说明:Kinect FX: another software toy for the Kinect hardware.
# KFX: Kinect FX

## 1 Introduction

KFX is simple project designed to tap into the Kinect hardware through the libfreenect API and apply some funky post processing filters on the raw video stream. The post processing is done entirely on hardware through OpenGL shaders. KFX is based on the Qt SDK, a cross platform API. The project was successfuly built on Windows XP and MacOS. Linux was not tested.

## 2 Structure

The source code package is organised in the following way:

Path            | Description
---             | ---
assets/         | Contains shaders and textures
build/          | Intermediate files generated by the compiler
code/           | Source code and resource files
docs/           | Licenses and documentation
etc/            | Random files, templates, notes and incremental backup
install/        | Deployment files generated by the compiler
windows/        | Visual Studio 2010 project
kfx.linux.pri   | Linux project include for qmake
kfx.macosx.pri  | Mac OS X project include for qmake         | Main project file for qmake | Windows project include for qmake

For your convenience, compiled versions of the project is also included in this repository:


The YYYY-MM-DD fields denote the build date.

## 3 Documentation

* [Build Instructions](./docs/
* [Project License](./docs/

## 4 License

Please read [MIT License](./docs/ for terms and conditions.

KFX is copyright (C) 2011, [Bjango Pty Ltd](, and [DEAK Software]( "Kinect", "XBox" and "XBox360" are trademarks owned by Microsoft Corporation.
