资源说明:Displays a banner if your site is running an outdated version of IE
` of the header, but you can put it wherever looks best for your theme):
// put this in your header, or wherever
<?php do_action('apie6countdown'); ?>
3. Activate the plugin through the *Plugins* menu in WordPress.
4. That's it! If you can't see the message, it's working! (Unless you're using IE6, in which case UPGRADE!
== Screenshots ==
To see what the banner looks like go to http://ie6countdown.com/join-us.html.
== Frequently Asked Questions ==
= How do I check to see if it's working? =
If you aren't using (or don't have access to) a computer with IE6 installed, you could set up a virtual environment using VirtualPC or VMware that is running an old version of Windows. The plugin runs a check against the browser version that only affects Microsoft browsers (`<!--[if lt IE 7]>`), so, you could also modify the `apie6countdown.php` file and remove that check or set it to a higher browser version (like `<!--[if lt IE 10]>`) to make sure it's showing up on your site.
== Changelog ==
**Version 1.0.4**
* updated "tested up to" tag
* updated installation notes
* added FAQ
**Version 1.0.3**
* Updated "tested up to" tag
* Updated installation notes
**Version 1.0.2**
* Updated the plugin with the new location of the IE warning banner.
* Updated the "tested up to" tag
**Version 1.0.1**
* Fixed the "2 characters of unexpected output" error.
**Version 1.0**
* Created the plugin!
== Upgrade Notice ==
Nothing to see here. === IE 6 Countdown === Contributors: jazzs3quence Donate link: https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=AWM2TG3D4HYQ6 Tags: ie6, internet explorer, browser, microsoft Requires at least: 2.8 Tested up to: 3.3 Stable tag: 1.0.4 Help promote a safer internet. == Description == This plugin simplifies participation in Microsoft's campaign to eradicate Internet Explorer 6 from the face of the planet. There are a lot of plugins that request users in a non-obtrusive (or, in the case of Upgrade Else DIE *very* obtrusive) way, but this one is based on the official Internet Explorer 6 Countdown code available at http://ie6countdown.com/join-us.html. If you want to be able to participate and use the official upgrade banner, but are unsure how or don't want to mess up your site, this plugin provides an easy and painless way to do so, and isn't that what WordPress is all about? == Installation == 1. Unpack the zip archive and upload to the `/wp-content/plugins/` directory or use the WordPress plugin installer to install. 2. Copy and paste the following somewhere into your header.php file (I recommend doing it before the final closing `