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资源说明:ForScene is a project based on PlayN. It add some "logic" features to PlayN ( ex ForPlay), like a scene manager, event manager ... and ... will see!
==================================== ForScene ====================================

ForScene: A java library to develop exportable multiplatform game ( HTML5/JS, IOS, Flash, Java, Android )

Author: Scuderi Giovanni Luca ( glscud at gmail dot com ) { Lebby }
This is a ( see below ) project.

If you want to use for a GPL project you're free to use.
For commercial purpose and not GPL project, you can't use (all right reserved). You must contact me.
All Rights Reserved. This is a temp license. When i'll finish core code, i'll change it in a different license.
This library use PlayN; PlayN is under
This works is not a derivative work but use strongly PlayN Library and tools.

I'm studiying all license to choose one that fit better to this project!
( I think it will be open source and double licensed  ... non commercial purpose and commercial purpose )

ForScene is a java library based on PlayN framework that allow to you to produce code in:
HTML5/js, Android, IOS, Flash ( and all supported platform by PlayN ).
It is a game develop library that introduce many concept to allow a easier
and faster develop of a game. It inherits all of the benefits and requirements of PlayN.

You can still use to develop game, but ... i want to improve it!
Many concept must be simplified and fixed. I want to develop "simply to use" library.
I'm thinking to offer "full-access" to each data in class because I hope to develope a GUI
to use this library to offer an easy tool to build demos/games/presentations.
I'll add documentation and refer to playN project and its authors in "documentation" phase.
Now, code is ugly and not documented ... you can read "debug lines and old code" and other things ...
please don't care to them! 
If you're one of PlayN Projects and you noticed something wrong, you can send email to me.

It's purpose is to offer a layer to easy manage scene and not layer.
Scene is a logical collection of layers and Scene Objects. 
Scene Object is a logical view of multiple Layers.
A Scene Object can be combined to create complex objects.
I'm developing effects that can be have Scene object as target.
I have developed a small event-driven management of scene building process and effect.
I've developed "boundaries" for object and scene.

I want to develop by this library a "Monkey Island"-like game ... then i focus on all I needs to achieve this target!
This game is called TommyNick!

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For further information:
ZenCoders Website :
