资源说明:TextMate LaTeX bundle with modification to get compilation status while "watching" in the OSX status bar instead of the error dialog box
### What is this fork? This is a fork of TextMate (version 1) built-in [latex.tmbundle](https://github.com/textmate/latex.tmbundle) to include status bar notifications for the LaTeX watch feature (in case of compile failure). Currently compilation errors are shown by LaTeX Watch using a dialog: "TeX gave an error compiling the file. Shall I show the log?". We solve the annoyance of the dialog box (which also stops subsequent compilations until confirmed) by replacing the dialog with a nice little status-bar icon - either gray or red. If multiple failed compilations happens, it will flash yellow/red. ### How to install Start by disabling (move or delete) the built-in *LaTeX* bundle (/Applications/TextMate.app/Contents/SharedSupport/Bundles/latex.tmbundle). It could be done by moving it: cd /Applications/TextMate.app/Contents/SharedSupport/Bundles/latex.tmbundle mv latex.tmbundle ../latex.tmbundlebackup Now execute the following commands in the console to install *latex-statusbar*: mkdir -p ~/Library/Application\ Support/TextMate/Bundles cd ~/Library/Application\ Support/TextMate/Bundles/ git clone git://github.com/lbach/latex-statusbar.tmbundle.git