资源说明:Django Debug Toolbar and Pystatsd mashup fun
A tool that mashes up django-debug-toolbar, graphite, statsd and pystatsd. Before you can think about getting this to work you'll need: - A graphite server running and processing the data from statsd - Some Django middleware or code that sends the data to statsd Pystatsd: https://github.com/andymckay/pystatsd Graphite: http://graphite.wikidot.com/installation Django debug toolbar: https://github.com/django-debug-toolbar/django-debug-toolbar An example Django app that logs to statsd on each request can be found in nuggets: https://github.com/mozilla/nuggets It works by adding the following to your middleware:: MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES = ( 'commonware.response.middleware.GraphiteRequestTimingMiddleware', 'commonware.response.middleware.GraphiteMiddleware', ) If you've got that setup, to your settings, add the following:: DEBUG_TOOLBAR_PANELS = ( ... 'toolbar_statsd.panel.StatsdPanel' ) STATSD_CLIENT = 'toolbar_statsd.panel' TOOLBAR_STATSD = { 'graphite': 'http://your.graphite.server', 'roots': ['root.key.for.dev', 'root.key.for.stage'] } INSTALLED_APPS = ( ... 'toolbar_statsd' ) Notes: django-debug-toolbar middleware must come *after* graphite middleware. See: example.png for an example of the fun that can be had.