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资源说明:my awesome vim setup
# sohooo's VIM config

This setup is based on various sources all around github. Huge credits go to:

* [mutewinter's dotvim](
* [skwp's dotfiles](
* [MacVim w/ Drawer](

## Screenshots

### Code View
![MacVim with Drawer]( "Macvim")

### Distraction Free
![Distraction-free Markdown]( "Distraction-free Markdown environment")

## Installation

1. `cd; git clone .vimfiles` in your home folder.
2. `ln -s .vimfiles .vim && ln -s .vimfiles/vimrc .vimrc` to make the symbolic links.
3. Install the awesome [Vundle]( with `git clone ~/.vim/bundle/vundle`
4. Start Vim and type `:BundleInstall` to install the plugins defined in `.vimrc`.
5. Enjoy!

## Bindings

Here's a list of useful keyboard bindings:

* `ctrl-shift-d` OS X File Drawer
* `,d`      toggle NerdTree
* `,f`      find file w/ CtrlP
* `,y`      show YankRing
* `,n`      toggle IndentGuides
* `,u`      toggle UndoTree
* `gcc`     toggle comment on/off
* `,vim`    edit vimrc
* `,vir`    edit (to look up bindings)
* `,tt`     change tabs
* `jj`      remap von ESC; this rox!
* `F9`      toggle paste/nopaste
* `F10`     toggle number/nonumber

### CtrlP

* ``  movement
* ``   open in tab
* ``   open in vertical split
* ``  open in horizontal split
* ``   mark file to open with ``
* ``   clear search field
* ``   create a new file and (parent dir)

### Fugitive

* `:Gdiff`    show diff
* `:Gstatus`  toggle files with `-`

### Tabular

* `,t=`  align =
* `,t>`  align =>

### Vundle

* `,bi`  BundleInstall
* `,bu`  BundleUpdate
* `,bc`  BundleClean

### ShowMarks

* `,mt` toggles ShowMarks on and off
* `,mh` hides an individual mark
* `,ma` hides all marks in the current buffer
* `,mm` places the next available mark

### EasyGrep

* `,vv`  search word under cursor
* `,vr`  replace word under cursor
* `,vo`  EasyGrep Options
* `:cw`  result list
* `ctrl+w enter`  open result (in CW)

## Other Tips

### Statusbar Fonts
For an even prettier status bar, use one of the patched fonts from the [Powerline wiki](

### Distraction-free Writing
Distraction-free writing a la iAWriter is supported via [a plugin from LakTEK]( Toggle the view with `F4`, and don't forget to disable the OSX native fullscreen view:

    defaults write org.vim.MacVim MMNativeFullScreen 0

You also need the [Cousine Font from Google]( as a free alternative to Nitti Light.
