文件大小: unknow
源码售价: 5 个金币 积分规则     积分充值
资源说明:The Nerdery Code Challenge
##XBox Games Module##
To track the interest in new games for Xbox 360.
Only users that are logged in with the proper permissions can view and vote for games or
mark them as owned.

- Drupal 7
- [Web service client] (
- wsclient, wsclient_soap, nerdery_soap

###Web service client setup###
1. enable wsclient, wsclient_soap and wsclient_ui

###Using Xboxgames module###
1. enable xboxgames, nerdery_soap
2. Go to /admin/config/content/xboxgames
3. Enter API key
4. Set xboxgames permissions for the roles you want to be able to view and vote for games
5. Set the region for the Games We Own block

Admin page at /admin/config/content/xboxgames to set API key and clear games.

Only Drupal users can vote or add games when given permission.
Give permission to roles to save a game as owned.

Block (Games We Own) - This block is created to display a list of the games already owned.

Page ( - Page that lists the games to be voted for.
Page ( - Page with a form to add new game titles to be voted for.
