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资源说明:R package for network tomography
An R package for network tomography

networkTomography implements the methods developed and evaluated in [Blocker and
Airoldi (2011)]( and [Airoldi and Blocker
(2012)]( These include the authors' own dynamic
multilevel model with calibration based upon a Gaussian state-space model in
addition to implementations of the methods of Tebaldi and West (1998;
Poisson-Gamma model with MCMC sampling), Zhang et al. (2002; tomogravity), Cao
et al. (2000; Gaussian model with mean-variance relation), and Vardi (1996;
method of moments). Data from the 1router network of Cao et al. (2000), the
Abilene network of Fang et al. (2007), and the CMU network of Blocker and
Airoldi (2011) are included for testing and reproducibility.
