资源说明:A Maven project site skin, based on the Zurb Foundation fluid design CSS framework.
Maven Fluid Skin ================ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Yay - finally! A modern, decent looking, HTML5/CSS3 based, fluid layout project documentation web site skin for Maven projects. Based on the [Foundation](http://foundation.zurb.com/) framework for rapid development of fluid design websites - this is simple bliss for your Maven documentation. [View an example site](http://olle.github.com/maven-fluid-skin/) (yes meta). Build and install ----------------- Currently there's no release, we're still in `SNAPSHOT` mode, but you can easily build and install the skin yourself. git clone git://github.com/olle/maven-fluid-skin.git cd maven-fluid-skin mvn install Well, just what you would expect if you know your way around with Maven. This builds and installs the skin to your local `.m2` repository, making it available for your local builds. **COMING SOON:** A release version will be built and deployed soon, and made available at the [Sonatype OSS Repository](https://oss.sonatype.org/). Stay tuned for more information.