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资源说明:A tool to search and index text, SGML, XML and HTML files using structured patterns
        README file for sgrep version 1.91-alpha - 
	a tool to search and index text, SGML, XML and HTML files using
	structured patterns

        Copyright (C) 1998  University of Helsinki, 
                            Department of Computer Science

        Authors: Jani Jaakkola 
                 Pekka Kilpelainen


This README file is intended for describing the new features of 
sgrep-1.91a. If you want to know what sgrep is and what the old features 
are, see:

See the section "NEW QUERY LANGUAGE FEATURES" for description of the
new operators available in version 1.91a.

Sgrep-1.91 supports 16-bit wide characters and Unicode in XML-documents. 
See the section "WIDE CHARACTER SUPPORT" for information on wide 
characters and UTF-8 and UTF-16 encodings.

This file (and newer versions of this file) is available from

Sgrep is distributed under GNU General Public License. See file COPYING
for details. 

This piece of software is still under development. This means that:
- New features might be included before final sgrep-2.0 release.
- Existing features might be changed.
- It is guaranteed to have bugs.
- All suggestions are welcome.
- All available documentation of the new features is contained in
  this file.


Major new features since sgrep-1.0 which are already present:
- Indexing of both structure and content.
- SGML/XML/HTML scanner.
- Official Win32 binary.
- sgtool has been dumped. It never really worked and even when it
  did, it wasn't very useful.
- Should be completely compatible with older versions of sgrep.
- Sgrep now supports direct containment. In SGML and XML world this 
  means, that you can query children or parents of given elements.
- Sgrep uses GNU autoconf 
- Also the sources are now available
- Operators for supporting direct containment
- Nearness operators
- 16-bit wide characters and Unicode support

Features which will be present in sgrep-2.0:
- Proper documentation
- Support for querying notations, element type declarations and
  attribute list declarations inside SGML/XML document prolog
- Scanning of all well-formed XML-documents.

Features probably won't be present in sgrep-2.0:
- Regular expressions, since they are probably better handled by other
  software, like Perl. However, sgrep still needs some new options for 
  better perl support.


The Win32-binary release contains both sgrep binary and m4 binary.
Sgrep binary is compiled with MSVC and requires no additional libraries.

Please note that the examples in this README file and in the sgrep
WWW-pages have been written using sh shell-syntax. When you use sgrep 
under the windows shell, "COMMAND.COM" you have to either use the -f option 
or translate query from:

% sgrep 'word("foo") or word("bar")' foobar


C:\> sgrep "word(\"foo\") or word(\"bar\")" foobar

Alternatively, you can install bash from the Cygnus Cygwin project.

The m4 binary comes from the Cygnus Cygwin project. See for details.
Included binary release of m4 requires the cygwin.dll DLL-library.
Both of them are distributed under GNU General Public License (GPL).
See file COPYING for details. 


Sgrep has a built-in scanner for XML, SGML and HTML-documents. This means
that complex macros for querying SGML-files are no longer
needed. However, sgrep still does not contain a full blown 
SGML-parser: the thing which it does contain could be described as an 
SGML-scanner. It does not recognize any syntax errors, it does
not provide a parse tree and it does not provide any event stream. 
It just recognizes regions from SGML-files corresponding to different 
SGML tokens: start tags, end tags, attributes, etc.

Since version 1.90a the SGML-scanner maintains an element stack. This
is needed for the ability to support direct containment in queries
to SGML/XML-files. Query language primitive 'elements' returns
all elements of queried XML/SGML-documents. (see the 'childrening'
and 'parenting' operators for examples).

Since version 1.91a sgrep has support for 16-bit wide characters in
query terms and support for UTF-8 and UTF-16 encodings in the 
SGML-scanner. See the "WIDE CHARACTER SUPPORT" below.

SGML has many features which make it very difficult to parse. The
SGML-scanner implemented in sgrep does not attempt to be a complete 
and error free SGML-parser; valid SGML-documents might confuse it.
However, my goal is that all well formed XML-documents will be
parsed correctly.

The scanner has two modes:
- SGML/HTML-mode
  o Names are case insensitive
  o PIs end with '>'
- XML-mode
  o Names are case sensitive
  o PIs end with '?>'

Sgrep will recognize empty XML elements () in both

The scanner does not automatically include entity references.
However, it can automatically add external parsed entities
defined in the internal document type definition subset to scanned files.
Eg. if you have a line
in your document, the scanner can automatically include file
"chapter1.sgml" to the list of scanned files, when the scanner sees
this line in the internal document type definition subset.
To use this feature you need to use "-g include-entities" option.


Sgrep version 1.91a introduces 16-bit wide character support in index terms
and in the SGML-parser.

Since the sgrep query language is still strictly 8-bit, wide characters
in queries need to be encoded. I chose to use encoding which looks
just like character entity references in SGML: "\#;"
for character number in decimal and "\#x;" for character
number in hexadecimal. Therefore the ISO-8859-1 letter a with two
dots on top of it, 'ä' assuming you are reading this file with ISO-8859-1
font 'ä'-entity in HTML, 'ä' as a decimal character reference
and '&#e4;' as a hexadecimal character reference can be encoded in sgrep
query either as "\#228;" or as "\#xe4;".

So the finnish word "älämölö" ("älämölö" in HTML) can
be queried either with query like 'word("älämölö")', since sgrep query
language supports 8-bit characters, or with encoded query like
'word("\#228;l\#228;m\#248;l\#248")' or 'word("\#xe4;l\#xe4;m\#xf8;l\#xf8")'.

The SGML-parser supports UTF-8 and UTF-16 encodings. You can select
the encoding with the -g option:

- "-g encoding=utf-8" selects UTF-8 encoding. This is the default if you
  are using the SGML-scanner in XML-mode (with -g xml option).
- "-g encoding=utf-16" selects UTF-16 encoding. Note that currently (in
  version 1.91a), this is a synonym for "-g encoding=utf-8"
  since sgrep switches automatically to UTF-16 mode from UTF-8 mode when 
  it sees the byte order mark (this also means, that you must have the byte
  order mark, if you are using UTF-16).
- "-g encoding=iso-8859-1" selects iso-8859-1 encoding, which is also the
  default encoding when SGML-scanner is any other mode than XML.

The SGML-scanner recognizes character entity references currently only
in character data content. Character entity references in attribute values
or entity literals are not recognized. No other entity references 
than character entity references are expanded, not even "&", ">" 
and "<". I plan  to fix this before next release.

The XML-scanner recognizes the encoding parameter in XML-declarations
and can switch encoding accordingly (if not overridden with -g encoding
option). Currently "us-ascii", "iso-8859-1", "utf-8" and "utf-16"
encodings are recognized. Note that in XML-mode the SGML-parser 
interprets all characters classified as "Letter" in the XML-spesification
as word characters by default.

Currently only the SGML-scanner is aware of different encodings. The
output module does not do any conversions: it just dumps the result
regions from query files exatly as they were encoded there, even when
different files use different encodings (this probably needs to be

Here is an example using Murata Makotos example XML-documents in Japanese
(see ).
The unicode character 0x771f represents word Murata in japanese.

% sgrep -o"%f:%l\n" -g xml 'word("\#x771f")' pr-xml-little-endian.xml pr-xml-utf-16.xml pr-xml-utf-8.xml weekly-utf-8.xml 


The example file "example.sgml" and its DTD "example.dtd" are 
included in this distribution.

New query language features in version 1.91a and later:

* near(distance)

Finds regions of left hand side and right hand side having at most 
'distance' bytes bytes between them. 
'A near(0) B' would return regions of A and B which "touch" each other
(in other words, there is no bytes between them. I know that using bytes 
is not the best way to measure distance in a text search engine, but the 
way Sgrep works makes this kind of query very fast. If you really need 
nearnes operator with words as a measure of distance, you could use 
'join(distance,word("*")) containing A containing B'. However this query 
would take much more time and memory to evaluate.)

In this example, I use Jon Bosaks religious text as example material:

% sgrep -x index -o"%r\n" 'word("jesus") near(20) word("peter")'
Jesus was come into Peter
Jesus taketh Peter
Peter, and said unto Jesus
Jesus taketh with him Peter
Peter said unto Jesus
Jesus unto Peter
Peter followed Jesus
Jesus loved saith unto Peter
Jesus saith to Simon Peter
Peter, an apostle of Jesus
% sgrep -x index -o"%r\n" 'word("adam") near(30) word("eve") near(40) word("cain")'
Adam knew Eve his wife; and she conceived, and bare Cain

* near_before(distance)

Works like just like 'near', except that 'near_after' requires the regions
in the left hand side to occur before regions in the right hand side.

% sgrep -x index -o"%r\n" 'word("peter") near_before(20) word("jesus")'
Peter, and said unto Jesus
Peter said unto Jesus
Peter followed Jesus
Peter, an apostle of Jesus

New query language features in version 1.90a and later:

* elements

Returns all SGML-elements. This example counts all elements from input

% sgrep -c elements sgreptest.sgml 

* parenting

Works like old "containing" operator, except that parenting returns 
left hand side regions directly containing right hand side regions 
instead of all regions containing right hand side regions.
NOTE: parenting works right only if the left hand side expression
does not contain overlapping regions (which is guaranteed, if the
left hand side regions correspond to SGML-elements).

% sgrep 'elements parenting word("Peletier")' sgreptest.sgml 
Peletier et al. (1994)

* childrening

Works like old "in" operator, except that childrening returns left hand
side regions directly contained in right hand side regions
instead of all regions contained in right hand side regions.
This example counts children elements of SGREPTEST-element

% sgrep -c 'elements childrening (
	stag("SGREPTEST") .. etag("SGREPTEST"))' sgreptest.sgml 

* first(n, expression) and last(n ,expression)

First-operator selects first n regions of the regions returned
by expression and last-operator selects last n regions of
the regions returned by expression.

This query selects first child element of last child element of 
third ACT-element from a file containing word "Hamlet":
(In other words, TITLE of last SCENE of third ACT of shakespeares
famous PLAY "The Tragedy of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark")

% cat test/childrening
  elements childrening
      elements childrening
          stag("ACT") .. etag("ACT") in (file("*") containing word("Hamlet"))
% sgrep -x hamlet-index -f test/childrening
SCENE IV.  The Queen's closet.

* first_bytes(n, expression) and last_bytes(n,expression)

Operator first_bytes(n,expression) truncates all regions returned from 
expression to n-byte length starting from regions start point. 
Operator last_bytes(n,expression) truncates all regions returned from
expression to n-byte length starting from regions end point.

This example returns the start tags of SGREPTEST-elements children:

% sgrep 'stag("*") containing first_bytes(1,elements childrening (stag("SGREPTEST") .. etag("SGREPTEST")))' sgreptest.sgml 

This query returns the end tags of SGREPTEST-elements children:

% sgrep 'etag("*") containing last_bytes(1,elements childrening (stag("SGREPTEST") .. etag("SGREPTEST")))' sgreptest.sgml 

New query features in version 1.70a and later

* file("filename")

Returns the region containing the named file.

* pi("PITarget")

Returns the regions containing the processing instructions beginning with 
the given PI target.

% sgrep 'pi("example_pi")' example.sgml

* attribute("attribute name")

Returns the regions containing the named attribute.

% sgrep 'attribute("ATT1")' example.sgml

* attvalue("attribute value")

Returns the regions containing the given attribute value.

% sgrep 'attvalue("value2")' example.sgml 
% sgrep 'attribute("*") containing attvalue("value2")' example.sgml 

* stag("GI")

Returns the regions containing the start tags with the given GI.

% sgrep 'stag("EXAMPLE")' example.sgml 

* etag("GI")

Returns the regions containing the end tags with the given GI.

% sgrep 'etag("EXAMPLE")' example.sgml 

* word("word")

Returns the regions containing the given word.
N.B: A query word("foo") does not recognize occurrences of word "foo"
inside comments. (See operators comment and comment_word  below.)

% sgrep 'word("example")' example.sgml 
% sgrep '"\n"_."\n" containing word("example")' example.sgml 
This is an example SGML file to demonstrate new features in sgrep-2.0.

* comments

Returns the regions containing all SGML comments.

% sgrep 'comments' example.sgml 

* comment_word("comment word")

Returns the region containing the given word inside comments.

% sgrep 'comment_word("another")' example.sgml 
% sgrep 'comments containing comment_word("another")' example.sgml 

* cdata

Returns regions containing CDATA marked sections. Sgrep recognizes
words also inside CDATA marked sections.

% sgrep 'cdata' example.sgml 
  §ion ]]>
% sgrep 'cdata containing word("another")' example.sgml 

* entity("entity name")

Returns the regions containing references to the given entity.
(Entity references are currently recognized only in PCDATA.)

% sgrep 'entity("entity1")' example.sgml 
% sgrep 'stag("ELEM1") .. etag("ELEM1") containing entity("entity1")'

* doctype("doctype name")

Returns the regions containing given document type name inside the document
type declaration.

% sgrep 'doctype("*")' example.sgml 

* doctype_pid("publicid")

Returns the regions containing the given document type public id inside 
document type declarations.

% sgrep 'doctype_pid("*")' example.sgml 
-//SID//DTD sgrep example//EN

* doctype_sid("systemid")

Returns the regions containing the given document type system id inside
document type declarations.

% sgrep 'doctype_sid("ex*")' example.sgml 

* entity_declaration("entity name")

Returns the regions containing the declaration of the given entity name.

% sgrep 'entity_declaration("entity1")' example.sgml 

* entity_literal("entity name")

Returns the regions containing the literal value of the given entity name.

% sgrep 'entity_literal("entity1")' example.sgml 
literal value

* entity_pid("entity public id")

Returns the regions containing the given public id of an entity within its

% sgrep 'entity_pid("*")' example.sgml 
-//SID//NONSGML entity example//EN

* entity_sid("entity system id")

Returns the regions containing the given system id inside an entity

% sgrep 'entity_sid("*")' example.sgml 

* entity_ndata("notation name")

Returns the regions containing the given notation name inside entity

% sgrep 'entity_ndata("*")' example.sgml 
% sgrep 'entity_declaration("*") containing entity_ndata("ANOTATION")'

* prologs

Returns the regions containing document prologs.

% sgrep 'pi("*") in prologs' example.sgml 


Sgrep supports indexing of both structure and content of SGML, HTML
and XML documents. Indexing is implemented by creating a separate index
file, which contains a list of terms and of regions corresponding to these
terms. This means that if you want to output the actual content of
result regions you have to keep the original files around. 

If the query uses only the new SGML query features, the same query should
return same results independent of whether an index was used or not.

Indexes are stored in compressed binary files. Depending on the indexed
material the index file size is 30-60% of the original files. This is
not so bad, since in theory you can produce the full content of
the original files from the index file, except for whitespace and 
punctuation marks.

Maximum size of the indexed data is currently 2 gigabytes. If you
want to index larger collections, you have to split the index
to multiple index files. However, for optimal performance the
index file size should be smaller than your available RAM-memory.

Sgrep is switched to indexing mode by giving "-I" as first option in
the command line. Command 'sgrep -I -h' will give you the summary of
available indexing options:

Usage: (sgindex | sgrep -I)  
Use 'sgrep -h' for help on query mode options.

Indexing mode options are:
  -C              display copyright notice
  -h              help (means this text)
  -i              fold all words to lower case when indexing
  -T              show statistics about created index files
  -V              display version information
  -v              verbose mode. Shows what is going on
  -c  create new index file
  -F        read list of input files from  instead of command line

Options -C, -h, and -V should be self explanatory.

Indexes are created using the -c option and giving a file list to index.
The file list can be directly in the command line, or with -F option
(see below).

% sgrep -I -c demo.index demo.sgml
% ls -l demo.*
-rw-------   1 jjaakkol grpd        53577 Aug 24 12:52 demo.index
-rw-------   1 jjaakkol grpd        91536 Mar  6 13:40 demo.sgml 

First 13 lines of the index file contain statistics about the created

% head -13 demo.index
sgrep-index v0

2441 terms
11554 entries
1024 bytes header (1%)
9764 bytes term index (18%)
17222 bytes strings (32%)
  26366 total strings
  9144 compressed with lcps (-34%)
25545 bytes postings (47%)
22 bytes file list (0%)
53577 total index size

With -F  option you can give a list of the files to be indexed 
in the named file, instead of giving it on the command line.
The file names given in the file have to separated by a newline. 

The -v option gives verbose progress reports while indexing:

% sgrep -I -v -c demo.index demo.sgml
Indexing 1/1 files 64/89K (71%)
Writing index file of 52K
Writing index 2048/2441 entries (83%)

The entries added to the index are case sensitive by default. 
For example, word("Foo") is different from word("foo").  
With option -i you can instruct sgrep to 
fold all words (only words in content or comments, not any structural 
elements like element type names or attribute values) to lowercase. 

With option -T you can get some statistics (some useful for debugging, 
some less useful, and some mighty cryptic) about the created index.

With option -L  you can create a file containing list of
all terms added to index. Each line in created file will contain the
amount of bytes required by the term and the term itself.

This example is using the XML WWW-page from

% sgrep -I -i -L terms -c xml.index xml.html
% cat terms | sort -n | tail
2043 eLI
2094 wa
2263 wto
2543 wof
2713 wand
3414 eA
3433 wxml
4410 wthe
5076 aHREF
5390 sA                                                     

With option -S  you can give indexer a stop word
list to reduce the size of index. Stop word list consists of one
stop word per line, with possibly including the amount of bytes
in the term (so you can actually use a part of file originally created with
the -L option to indexer).

Here is an example using a simple English stop word list (containing words like
"to", "and", "the" and so on) to reduce the size of the index:

% sgrep -I -i -L terms -c xml.index xml.html
% ls -l xml.index
-rw-------   1 jjaakkol grpd       291599 Aug 24 14:13 xml.index
% sgrep -I -i -S stoplist -c xml.index xml.html
% ls -l xml.index
-rw-------   1 jjaakkol grpd       259058 Aug 24 14:14 xml.index             

With using "-l " option you can obtain information about the impact
of stop word list on index size when all terms taking more space
than a fraction of 1/number of the index would be considered as stop words.

% sgrep -I -l 200 -i -c xml.index xml.html
Possible stop words:
    4K (1.74%) 'aHREF'
    3K (1.17%) 'eA'
    1K (0.70%) 'eLI'
    5K (1.85%) 'sA'
    1K (0.70%) 'sLI'
    2K (0.72%) 'wa'
    2K (0.93%) 'wand'
    1K (0.62%) 'wfor'
    1K (0.67%) 'win'
    2K (0.87%) 'wof'
    4K (1.51%) 'wthe'
    2K (0.78%) 'wto'
    3K (1.18%) 'wxml'
   38K (13.43%) total

Using the "-g sgml" option you can select SGML mode scanner.

Using the "-g xml" option you can select XML mode scanner.

Using the "-g include-entities" option you can automatically include
defined system entities to indexed files (see SGML scanner above).

Using the "-g sgml-debug" option you can check the tokens which sgrep 
recognized from its input files:

% sgrep -I -c demo.index -g sgml-debug sgreptest.sgml
doctype_pid("-//SID//DTD Just something to test sgrep//EN"):dp-//SID//DTD Just
something to test sgrep//EN:(29,72)

With the "-m '" option you can adjust the amount of main memory
indexer will use for postings spool before writing a temporary
file. Default value for -m option is 20 megabytes. Creating the index
completely in main is faster than using temporary files. However, if you 
give a value larger than available main memory, sgrep will probably start
trashing and indexing will be slow.

With "-w " option you can select which characters make up
words. The default is "-w a-zA-Z". Here in Finland I would use
"-w A-Za-ZÅÄÖåäö" (assuming you have iso-8859-1 font). If you want to index
also numbers you could use "-w A-Za-z0-9"


Sgrep has some new options when used in the query mode.

Options "-F ", "-w " and "-g "
have the same functions as in the indexing mode.

Option "-x " is used to specify an index while when one
is used. If -x option is used and no file list is specified either
in the command line or with -F option, sgrep obtains the list of
queried files straight from the index.


Here the input file xml.html is taken from Robin Covers excellent
WWW-page at

Example: Find all P elements containing word "newsfax":

% time sgrep -x xml.index 'stag("P") .. etag("P") containing word("newsfax")'

[August 19, 1998] Tools and Utilities from Robert Hanson: XML::Parser, LOTE NewsFax to XML Parsers, LOTE XML to Kingdom Summaries, XML Script Server Parser.

0.03user 0.03system 0:00.25elapsed 24%CPU (0avgtext+0avgdata 0maxresident)k
The same example without using index: % time sgrep -i 'stag("P") .. etag("P") containing word("newsfax")' xml.html

[August 19, 1998] Tools and Utilities from Robert Hanson: XML::Parser, LOTE NewsFax to XML Parsers, LOTE XML to Kingdom Summaries, XML Script Server Parser.

0.82user 0.05system 0:01.18elapsed 73%CPU (0avgtext+0avgdata 0maxresident)k
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ANOTHER EXAMPLE --------------------------------------------------------------------------- This example uses Jon Bosak's XML-example material: religious texts and Shakespeare's works. Since this query is slightly more complex, it has been put together from smaller parts by using m4. File "filelist" contains the list of all XML-example files from Bosaks collection. Here is the file "query" # Finds elements having given name define(ELEMENT, (stag($1) .. etag($1))) # Finds LINE elements define(E_LINE, (ELEMENT("LINE"))) # Finds SPEECH elements define(E_SPEECH, (ELEMENT("SPEECH"))) # Finds SPEECH elements where HAMLET is speaking define(HAMLET_SPEAKING, (E_SPEECH containing ( ELEMENT("SPEAKER") containing word("HAMLET")))) # Finds LINE elements containing words to, be, not and question define(TOBENOTQUESTION, (E_LINE containing word("to") containing word("be") containing word("not") containing word("question"))) # Finds the LINE where HAMLET says the famous words define(HAMLET_SAYS, (TOBENOTQUESTION in HAMLET_SPEAKING)) Evaluate the query using plain search: % time sgrep -o "%f:\n %r\n" -f query -e HAMLET_SAYS -F filelist /xml/shakespeare.1.10.xml/hamlet.xml: To be, or not to be: that is the question: 16.60user 0.78system 0:18.29elapsed 94%CPU (0avgtext+0avgdata 0maxresident)k 0inputs+0outputs (327major+455minor)pagefaults 0swaps Create an index of the input texts: % time sgrep -I -c index -v -F filelist Indexing 43/43 files 14957/14958K (99%) Writing index file of 5472K Writing index 35840/36691 entries (97%) 23.65user 4.56system 0:32.77elapsed 86%CPU (0avgtext+0avgdata 0maxresident)k 0inputs+0outputs (94major+5928minor)pagefaults 0swaps Evaluate the query using index: % time sgrep -x index -o "%f:\n %r\n" -f query -e HAMLET_SAYS -F filelist /xml/shakespeare.1.10.xml/hamlet.xml: To be, or not to be: that is the question: 1.24user 0.13system 0:01.43elapsed 95%CPU (0avgtext+0avgdata 0maxresident)k 0inputs+0outputs (536major+728minor)pagefaults 0swaps --------------------------------------------------------------------------- THAT'S IT! Enjoy! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please send comments about sgrep-2.0 to Jani Jaakkola (
