文件大小: unknow
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Where the #@&*'s My Bus?
This is a temporary, quick hack version of WTFMB.

+ Complete rewrite in Ruby, no more crashing node.js server (poor programming on our part; we really just want to get away from running a server for it)
+ A better icon for the bus
+ Direction support, rotating the bus icon to match the bus direction
+ Ability to zoom in and out on maps (JS if possible, else URL parameters)
+ Dynamic list of known routes; there is currently a static list of supported routes on the page, but we don't want this to be [#LNK][poundlnk]-specific.

Dinosaur Attack?
This project started as an entry in the 2011 [Node Knockout][nko]. The event fell on a weekend that [Nate][nategh] had a lot going on so we didn't finish in time for the event, but we got it started. Their setup automatically creates a GitHub repository for each entry in the contest, and the name it gave us was _dinosaur-attack_. When we forked that repo to continue development on our own later, we liked the name and kept it.

[tf]: https://github.com/tractorfeed
[tftwitter]: http://twitter.com/tractorfeedorg
[rnelsongh]: http://github.com/rnelson
[poundlnk]: http://twitter.com/search/%23LNK
[nko]: http://nodeknockout.com/
[nategh]: http://github.com/natebenes
