资源说明:Files for atmega 1284p to work with Arduino 0023
Sanguino files for atmega1284p Runs with Arduino0023 Background: -Bootloader taken from https://github.com/maniacbug/mighty-1284p/tree/master/bootloaders/standard -Fuses set according to http://stevesfixitshop.blogspot.com/2011/12/sanguinololu-13a-part-3not-out-of-woods.html Low 0xD6 High 0xDC Ext 0xFD -Sanguino files based on http://code.google.com/p/sanguino/downloads/detail?name=Sanguino-0023r2.zip&can=2&q= -avrdude.conf edited to include 1284p -You cannot use a USBTinyISP with a 1284p as that programmer cannot cope with more thsan 64k flash. The Pololu AVR-USB programmer works well, and in theory using another Arduino as ISP should also work. Instructions: 1. Download/Install Arduion-0023. This can be found here: http://arduino.cc/en/Main/Software 2. Copy contents to /arduino-0023/hardware/ folder (/tools/avrdude.conf will be overwritten) 3. Burn bootloader to 1284p 4. Flash firmware