资源说明:Simple iOS app that aims to allow manual/camera entry of data points, then make the correspending graph accordingly.
# [Codeprogrammers.net](http://codeprogrammers.net) - Curve Fitter *This software is free to use and modify under the GPLv3 license* In addition you must include ALL LICENSES with any derivative of this app. The COREPLOT-LICENSE applies to all files in CorePlot-Framework and all other code that is not specifically in mentioned in LICENSE. ##DISCLAIMER: We are not responsible for any damage or lost data the iOS App may cause to your iDevice. This App is still in development and should be considered alpha quality. The app currently has no official release the current source is in the develop branch #Authors: Bradley Clemetson - brad(at)codeprogrammers(dot)net David Bell-Garrison Matt Scheffer #Summary: This iOS app is to allow a user to either input or take a picture of a graph to gather points in which the app will then find the function and it's corresponding graph. #Requirements: *xCode 4.2.1 or later *iOS 4.2 iDevice/Simulator or later #Notes: