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资源说明:Quartz Composer plugin that retrieves color and depth image data from the Xbox Kinect.
# Kineme KinectTools

Kineme KinectTools is a Quartz Composer plugin that retrieves color and depth image data from the Xbox Kinect. It's based on [libfreenect]( 

For more Quartz Composer plugins and compositions, plus community forums, go to []( 

## How to get it

Download or clone it [from GitHub]( 

## How to install it

   1. Install the [QCPatch Xcode Template](, a.k.a. Quartz Composer unofficial API, a.k.a. SkankySDK. 
   2. Build KinectTools.xcodeproj. This will create the file ~/Library/Graphics/Quartz Composer Patches/KinectTools.plugin. 
   3. Restart Quartz Composer. The patches will show up under the Kineme KinectTools category. 

## License

Kineme KinectTools is released under the GPL 2 License. 
