资源说明:Vonage Server SDK for Java. API support for SMS, Voice, Text-to-Speech, Numbers, Verify (2FA) and more.
# Vonage Server SDK for Java [![Maven Release](https://maven-badges.herokuapp.com/maven-central/com.vonage/client/badge.svg)](https://maven-badges.herokuapp.com/maven-central/com.vonage/client) [![Build Status](https://github.com/vonage/vonage-java-sdk/workflows/build/badge.svg)](https://github.com/Vonage/vonage-java-sdk/actions?query=workflow%3A"Build+Java+CI") [![codecov](https://codecov.io/gh/vonage/vonage-java-sdk/branch/6.x/graph/badge.svg)](https://codecov.io/gh/vonage/vonage-java-sdk) [![Contributor Covenant](https://img.shields.io/badge/Contributor%20Covenant-v2.0%20adopted-ff69b4.svg)](CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md) [![License](https://img.shields.io/badge/License-Apache%202.0-blue.svg)][license]You can use this Java Server SDK to add [Vonage APIs](https://developer.nexmo.com/api) to your application. To use this, you'll need a Vonage account. Sign up [for free at nexmo.com][signup]. * [Installation](#installation) * [Usage](#usage) * [Tips And Tricks](#tips-and-tricks) * [Contribute!](#contribute) ## Installation To use the Java Server SDK you'll need to have [created a Vonage account][signup]. ### Gradle To install the Java Server SDK using Gradle, add the following to `build.gradle`: ```groovy repositories { mavenCentral() } ``` For Gradle 3.4 or Higher: ```groovy dependencies { implementation 'com.vonage:client:6.4.2' } ``` For older versions: ```groovy dependencies { compile 'com.vonage:client:6.4.2' } ``` ### Maven Add the following to the correct place in your project's POM file: ```xml
``` ### Build It Yourself Alternatively you can clone the repo and build the JAR file yourself: ```bash git clone git@github.com:vonage/vonage-java-sdk.git gradle build ``` ### Download everything in a ZIP file **Note**: We *strongly recommend* that you use a tool that supports dependency management, such as [Gradle], [Maven], or [Ivy] We provide a [ZIP file for each release](https://github.com/Vonage/vonage-java-sdk/releases/), containing the Java Server SDK JAR, along with all the dependencies. Download the file, unzip it, and add the JAR files to your project's classpath. [Gradle]: https://gradle.org/ [Maven]: https://maven.apache.org/ [Ivy]: http://ant.apache.org/ivy/ ## Usage * For help understanding our APIs, check out our awesome [developer portal](https://developer.nexmo.com/) * Check the [Javadoc](http://vonage.github.io/vonage-java-sdk/) for full reference documentation. * There are also **many useful code samples** in our [nexmo-community/nexmo-java-quickstart](https://github.com/nexmo-community/nexmo-java-quickstart) repository. ### Customize the Base URI By default, the client will use https://api.nexmo.com, https://rest.nexmo.com, and https://sns.nexmo.com as base URIs for the various endpoints. To customize these you can instantiate `VonageClient` with an `HttpConfig` object. `HttpConfig.Builder` has been created to assist in building this object. Usage is as follows: ```java HttpConfig httpConfig = HttpConfig.builder() .apiBaseUri("https://api.example.com") .restBaseUri("https://rest.example.com") .snsBaseUri("https://sns.example.com") .build(); VonageClient client = VonageClient.builder() .apiKey(API_KEY) .apiSecret(API_SECRET) .httpConfig(httpConfig) .build(); ``` If you do not specify a property, it will take on whatever the default value is. You can also set all three with a single method: ```java HttpConfig httpConfig = HttpConfig.builder().baseUri("http://example.com").build(); VonageClient client = VonageClient.builder() .apiKey(API_KEY) .apiSecret(API_SECRET) .httpConfig(httpConfig) .build(); ``` To keep the default values, you can use `HttpConfig.defaultConfig()`: ```java HttpConfig httpConfig = HttpConfig.defaultConfig(); VonageClient client = VonageClient.builder() .apiKey(API_KEY) .apiSecret(API_SECRET) .httpConfig(httpConfig) .build();; ``` You can also instantiate without the parameter: ```java VonageClient client = VonageClient.builder() .apiKey(API_KEY) .apiSecret(API_SECRET) .build(); ``` ### Send an SMS Send an SMS with the Vonage SMS API: ```java VonageClient client = VonageClient.builder() .apiKey(API_KEY) .apiSecret(API_SECRET) .build(); SmsSubmissionResponse responses = client.getSmsClient().submitMessage(new TextMessage( FROM_NUMBER, TO_NUMBER, "Hello from Vonage!")); for (SmsSubmissionResponseMessage response : responses.getMessages()) { System.out.println(response); } ``` ### Make Phone Calls The following code initiates an outbound call which then reads the user [a message](https://nexmo-community.github.io/ncco-examples/first_call_talk.json): ```java VonageClient client = VonageClient.builder() .applicationId(APP_ID) .privateKeyPath("application_key.pem") .build(); Call call = new Call(to, from, "https://nexmo-community.github.io/ncco-examples/first_call_talk.json"); CallEvent event = client.getVoiceClient().createCall(call); ``` After the call is answered, you can get more information about it, including the amount it cost with: ```java CallInfo info = client.getVoiceClient().getCallDetails(event.getUuid()); System.out.println("This cost: " + info.getPrice() + " EUR"); ``` You can modify an existing call in progress, for example by hanging up on the current call: ```java ModifyCallResponse modifyResponse = client.getVoiceClient().modifyCall(event.getUuid(), "hangup"); System.out.println(modifyResponse.getMessage()); ``` While a call is in progress, you can send Dual-tone multi-frequency(DTMF) tones like so: ```java DtmfResponse dtmfResponse = client.getVoiceClient().sendDtmf(event.getUuid(), "332393"); System.out.println("Success! " + dtmfResponse.getMessage()); ``` To stream an audio file to an active call, simply use the following method: ```java StreamResponse startStreamResponse = client.getVoiceClient().startStream(event.getUuid(), "https://nexmo-community.github.io/ncco-examples/assets/voice_api_audio_streaming.mp3"); System.out.println("Success! " + startStreamResponse.getMessage()); ``` If you'd like to stop streaming an audio file to an active call, you can do so with: ```java StreamResponse stopStreamResponse = client.getVoiceClient().stopStream(event.getUuid()); System.out.println("Alright. " + stopStreamResponse.getMessage()); ``` To send a synthesized speech message to an active call, just use the following method: ```java TalkResponse startTalkResponse = client.getVoiceClient().startTalk(event.getUuid(), "Hello World"); System.out.println("Success! " + startTalkResponse.getMessage()); ``` If you'd like to stop sending a synthesized speech message to an active call, you can do so with: ```java TalkResponse stopTalkResponse = client.getVoiceClient().stopTalk(event.getUuid()); System.out.println("Alright. " + stopTalkResponse.getMessage()); ``` ### Generating NCCO Responses Our library contains a `com.vonage.client.voice.ncco` package, providing JSON-serializable objects for your NCCO webhook endpoints. Each of the `Action` items contain a `Builder` class that can be used for constructing various actions. These actions are then added to an `Ncco` object for serialization into JSON: ```java TalkAction intro = TalkAction.builder("At the tone, record your response and press #.") .build(); TalkAction outro = TalkAction.builder("Thanks, goodbye!") .build(); RecordAction record = RecordAction.builder() .beepStart(true) .endOnKey('#') .build() res.type("application/json"); return new Ncco(intro, record, outro).toJson(); ``` ### Make a Phone Call with an NCCO You can combine the above examples to send an NCCO to the Voice API: ```java The following code initiates an outbound call which then reads the user [a message](https://nexmo-community.github.io/ncco-examples/first_call_talk.json): ```java VonageClient client = VonageClient.builder() .applicationId(APP_ID) .privateKeyPath("application_key.pem") .build(); Ncco ncco = new Ncco( TalkAction.builder("Hi, this is Russell. You are listening to a text-to-speech Call made with Vonage's Voice API") .build() ); Call call = new Call(to, from, ncco); CallEvent event = client.getVoiceClient().createCall(call); ``` ### Send a 2FA Code Send a 2FA code to a phone number with: ```java VonageClient client = VonageClient.builder() .apiKey(API_KEY) .apiSecret(API_SECRET) .build(); VerifyResponse ongoingVerify = client.getVerifyClient().verify(TO_NUMBER, "NEXMO"); ``` ### Check the 2FA Code When the user enters the code they received, you can check it like this: ```java client.getVerifyClient().check(ongoingVerify.getRequestId(), CODE) ``` ### Send a PSD2 Payment Verification Code Send a PSD2 code to a phone number with: ````java NexmoClient client = NexmoClient.builder() .apiKey(API_KEY) .apiSecret(API_SECRET) .build(); VerifyResponse verifyPayment = client.getVerifyClient().psd2Verify(TO_NUMBER, 103.33, "Michelle"); ```` ### Get a List of SMS Prices for a Country Get a list of SMS prices for a country with: ```java VonageClient client = VonageClient.builder() .apiKey(API_KEY) .apiSecret(API_SECRET) .build(); PricingResponse response = client.getAccountClient().getSmsPrice("GB"); System.out.println(response.getDefaultPrice()); ``` ### Get a List of Voice Prices for a Country Get a list of voice prices for a country with: ```java VonageClient client = VonageClient.builder() .apiKey(API_KEY) .apiSecret(API_SECRET) .build(); PricingResponse response = client.getAccountClient().getVoicePrice("US"); System.out.println(response.getDefaultPrice()); ``` ### Get a List of SMS Prices for a Prefix Get a list of SMS prices for a country with: ```java VonageClient client = VonageClient.builder() .apiKey(API_KEY) .apiSecret(API_SECRET) .build(); PrefixPricingResponse response = client.getAccountClient().getPrefixPrice(ServiceType.SMS, "1"); System.out.println(response.getCountries().get(0).getDefaultPrice()); ``` ### Get a List of Voice Prices for a Prefix Get a list of voice prices for a country with: ```java VonageClient client = VonageClient.builder() .apiKey(API_KEY) .apiSecret(API_SECRET) .build(); PrefixPricingResponse response = client.getAccountClient().getPrefixPrice(ServiceType.VOICE, "1"); System.out.println(response.getCountries().get(0).getDefaultPrice()); ``` ### Top-up Account Top-up your account that has auto-reload enabled with: ```java VonageClient client = VonageClient.builder() .apiKey(API_KEY) .apiSecret(API_SECRET) .build(); client.getAccountClient().topUp("TRANSACTION_NUMBER"); ``` ### Submit Conversion Submit a request to the Conversion API when it has been enabled on your account with: ```java VonageClient client = VonageClient.builder() .apiKey(API_KEY) .apiSecret(API_SECRET) .build(); client.getConversionClient().submitConversion(ConversionRequest.Type.VOICE, "MESSAGE-ID", true, new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss").parse("2014-03-04 10:11:12")); ``` ### Redact Inbound SMS Submit a request to the Redact API when it has been enabled on your account with: ```java VonageClient client = VonageClient.builder() .apiKey(API_KEY) .apiSecret(API_SECRET) .build(); client.getRedactClient().redactTransaction(SMS_ID, RedactRequest.Product.SMS, RedactRequest.Type.INBOUND); ``` ### Redact Voice Submit a request to the Redact API when it has been enabled on your account with: ```java VonageClient client = VonageClient.builder() .apiKey(API_KEY) .apiSecret(API_SECRET) .build(); client.getRedactClient().redactTransaction(VOICE_ID, RedactRequest.Product.VOICE); ``` ### Create Secret Create a secret associated with your account id: ```java VonageClient client = VonageClient.builder() .apiKey(API_KEY) .apiSecret(API_SECRET) .build(); SecretResponse response = client.getAccountClient().createSecret(API_KEY, "Foo84RSecret"); ``` ### List Secrets List the secret id (but not content) associated with your account id: ```java VonageClient client = VonageClient.builder() .apiKey(API_KEY) .apiSecret(API_SECRET) .build(); ListSecretsResponse response = client.getAccountClient().listSecrets(API_KEY); Collection com.vonage client 6.4.2 secrets = response.getSecrets(); ``` ### Revoke Secret Revoke a secret associated with your account id: ```java VonageClient client = VonageClient.builder() .apiKey(API_KEY) .apiSecret(API_SECRET) .build(); client.getAccountClient().revokeSecret(API_KEY, SECRET_ID); ``` ### Retrieve Secret Get information about a specific secret associated with your account id: ```java VonageClient client = VonageClient.builder() .apiKey(API_KEY) .apiSecret(API_SECRET) .build(); SecretResponse response = client.getAccountClient().getSecret(API_KEY, SECRET_ID); ``` ### Custom HTTP Configuration If you need to configure the Apache HttpClient used for making requests, you can call `VonageClient.Builder.httpClient()` to supply your custom configured object. This can be useful, for example, if you must use an HTTP proxy to make requests or to configure SSL Certificates. ## Tips And Tricks ### Phone Calls And WebSockets Our [Voice API](https://developer.nexmo.com/voice/voice-api/overview) can connect a voice call to a websocket! An example using `javax.websocket` for accepting websocket connections can be found on the [Oracle website](http://www.oracle.com/webfolder/technetwork/tutorials/obe/java/HomeWebsocket/WebsocketHome.html#section4). [Another example](http://sparkjava.com/documentation#embedded-web-server) using the Spark framework ## Frequently Asked Questions Q: Does this SDK support thread safety? A: No, it currently does not. ### Supported APIs The following is a list of Vonage APIs and whether the Java SDK provides support for them: | API | API Release Status | Supported? | | --------------------- | :------------------: | :--------: | | Account API | General Availability | ✅ | | Alerts API | General Availability | ✅ | | Application API | General Availability | ✅ | | Audit API | Beta | ❌ | | Conversation API | Beta | ❌ | | Dispatch API | Beta | ❌ | | External Accounts API | Beta | ❌ | | Media API | Beta | ❌ | | Messages API | Beta | ❌ | | Number Insight API | General Availability | ✅ | | Number Management API | General Availability | ✅ | | Pricing API | General Availability | ✅ | | Redact API | General Availability | ✅ | | Reports API | Beta | ❌ | | SMS API | General Availability | ✅ | | Verify API | General Availability | ✅ | | Voice API | General Availability | ✅ | ## License This library is released under the [Apache 2.0 License][license] ## Contribute! _We :heart: contributions to this library!_ It is a good idea to [talk to us](https://developer.nexmo.com/community/slack) first if you plan to add any new functionality. Otherwise, [bug reports](https://github.com/Vonage/vonage-java-sdk/issues), [bug fixes](https://github.com/Vonage/vonage-java-sdk/pulls) and feedback on the library are always appreciated. [create_account]: https://docs.nexmo.com/tools/dashboard#setting-up-your-nexmo-account [signup]: https://dashboard.nexmo.com/sign-up?utm_source=DEV_REL&utm_medium=github&utm_campaign=[LANGUAGE]-client-library [doc_sms]: https://docs.nexmo.com/api-ref/sms-api?utm_source=DEV_REL&utm_medium=github&utm_campaign=[LANGUAGE]-client-library [license]: LICENSE.txt