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资源说明:Scan your text for possible style problems such as passive tense, duplicated words and clichés.
h1. Style-Scanner

Style-Scanner, written by Jack Kinsella ("blog":, helps you improve your English language writing. Based on stylistic advice given by authors such as Skrunk and White, Bill Bryson and George Orwell, Style-Scanner scans your text and markup files then lists issues found. Currently it spots the following problems:

* *Use of 600 different clichés*
  He pushed the envelope
* *Use of 11 different forms of passive tense.*
 The letter was sent
* *Broken links*
* *Ugly words*
The government utilized the resources.
* *Speaking in generalities*
Many people think that
* *Useless words*
It was a very fast app.
* *Repeating the same non structural word within a sentence*
Trask makes an excellent point, forcefully and with taste, in his excellent work 'Mind The Gaffe'
* *Using latin abbreviations within your text*
* *Spelling mistakes*
* *Repeating the same word consecutively* 
We went to the the shopping centre.
* *Excess white space*
We went   to the shopping centre.
* *Capitalization Problems*
On monday we will have an exam.

_Linguistic analysis is a hard problem, so you cannot expect perfect results. Think of Style-Scanner as guidelines to alert you of
possible faults. *Remember at best prescriptive stylistic guides can bring you up to a B minus standard of writing. * Anything more is beyond the scope of this tool._

h2. Installation 

Install Style-Scanner using Ruby gems:

@gem install style-scanner@

Next install Hunspell, an open source spell-checker that Style-Scanner depends upon.

@brew install hunspell@

h2. Usage

Style-Scanner is command line only. Cd into the directory with the files you'd like to scan, then type 

@style-scanner filename@

After a few seconds Style-Scanner will print a list problems it finds.

Style-Scanner is pipe friendly. 

@cat filename | style-scanner@

See all command line options

@style-scanner -h@

By default some scans, such as the Adverb scan, are turned off. Use command line options to enable them.

@style-scanner -a filename@ #scan for adverbs

Scan HTML files
@style-scanner filename.html --help@

Scan Textile files
@style-scanner filename.html -t@

h2. Dependencies

h3. Gems

Splits text into sentences.

Formats terminal output in red,green and other colours.

Assigns parts of speech tags to English text based on a lookup dictionary and a set of probability values.

Converts Textile to HTML

Converts HTML to plain text

h3. Other

An open source spell checker used by Open Office, Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome.

h2. Contributing

Contribution is welcomed and encouraged, although no modifications will be accepted if they are not accompanied by passing tests.

h3. Parts of Speech

| Tag | Part Of Speech | Examples |
|CC      | Conjunction, coordinating | and, or |
| CD      | Adjective, cardinal number              | 3, fifteen |
| DET     | Determiner                              | this, each, some |
|EX|        Pronoun, existential there             |there |
|FW|        Foreign words ||
|IN|        Preposition / Conjunction              |for, of, although, that |
|JJ|        Adjective                              |happy, bad |
|JJR|        Adjective, comparative                | happier, worse |
|JJS|        Adjective, superlative                | happiest, worst |
|LS|        Symbol, list item                      |A, A. |
|MD|        Verb, modal                            |can, could, 'll |
|NN|        Noun                                   |aircraft, data |
|NNP|        Noun, proper                          | London, Michael |
|NNPS|        Noun, proper, plural                 |  Australians, Methodists |
|NNS|        Noun, plural                          | women, books |
|PDT|        Determiner, prequalifier              | quite, all, half |
|POS|        Possessive                            | 's, ' |
|PRP|        Determiner, possessive second         | mine, yours |
|PRPS|        Determiner, possessive               |  their, your |
|RB|        Adverb                                 |often, not, very, here |
|RBR|        Adverb, comparative                   | faster |
|RBS|        Adverb, superlative                   | fastest |
|RP|        Adverb, particle                       |up, off, out |
|SYM|        Symbol                                | * |
|TO|        Preposition                            |to |
|UH|        Interjection                           |oh, yes, mmm |
|VB|        Verb, infinitive                       |take, live |
|VBD|        Verb, past tense                      | took, lived |
|VBG|        Verb, gerund                          | taking, living |
|VBN|        Verb, past/passive participle         | taken, lived |
|VBP|        Verb, base present form               | take, live |
|VBZ|        Verb, present 3SG -s form             | takes, lives |
|WDT|        Determiner, question                  | which, whatever |
|WP|        Pronoun, question                      |who, whoever |
|WPS|        Determiner, possessive & question     | whose |
|WRB|        Adverb, question                      | when, how, however |
|PP|        Punctuation, sentence ender            |., !, ? |
|PPC|        Punctuation, comma                    | , |
|PPD|        Punctuation, dollar sign              | $ |
|PPL|        Punctuation, quotation mark left      | `` |
|PPR|        Punctuation, quotation mark right     | '' |
|PPS|        Punctuation, colon, semicolon, elipsis| :, ..., - |
|LRB|        Punctuation, left bracket             | (, {, [ |
|RRB|        Punctuation, right bracket            | ), }, ] |

h2. Roadmap

1 Add more acronyms
2 Refactor the collection methods.
4 More useless words.
5 Troublesome words from Stunk.
8 Tense switches
9 Improve tests by:
a Creating a sentence helper
b Making a better Rspec matcher (more informative erros)
c Automatically detecting the correct problem
10 Desktop app
11 Globalize spell check
12 Most overused words
13 Suggestions for synonyms
14 Code overview screencast

h2. Contributors

Jack Kinsella
Robert Dooley, developer in Galway Western, Ireland

h2. Licence

Style-Scanner is released under the "MIT license"
Copyright "Jack Kinsella"
