文件大小: unknow
源码售价: 5 个金币 积分规则     积分充值
资源说明:Project 1 for databases class.
I now have all estimates working. In the non-late project, only q10 was broken.

q0  works
q1  works
q2  works
q3  works
q4  works
q5  works
q6  works
q7  works
q8  works
q9  works
q10 works
q11 works


Previous drivers are not included!

This driver is for assignment 4.1 (Query Compiler)

To compile the driver, type
	make a4-1.out

To run the driver, type 'test.out' followed by the query # you wish to execute
	./a4-1.out [0-11]

Using the Driver:
I modify Lexer.l, please use this new version.

For those who use Solaris machines, do not delete included lex.yy.c, otherwise, there may have
link error.

Submission Instructions:

 Create directory a4-1. The turnin file should be called a4-1.tar.gz)
The executable produced by your file should be called a4-1.out
