资源说明:Gateway-agnostic payment processing for Python
dinero ====== Gateway-agnostic payment processing library for Python. This library aims to be a minimal, pythonic, and highly usable payment processing library. It has a simple API and it hides the differences between payment processors from the user. USAGE ----- The API for ``dinero`` is simple to use. Configuration ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ``dinero`` allows for more than one payment gateway configuration. :: import dinero dinero.configure({ 'auth.net': { # the name for this gateway 'default': True, # the default gateway 'type': 'dinero.gateways.AuthorizeNet' # the gateway path # ... gateway-specific configuration }}) For Django projects, just include this in your ``settings.py``. Transaction Objects ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The following code will charge a customer's credit card:: transaction = dinero.Transaction.create( price=2000, number='4111111111111111', month='12', year='2012', ) ``price``, ``number``, ``month``, and ``year`` are the only required arguments, additional optional arguments are - first_name - last_name - zip - address - city - state - cvv - customer_id - email ``dinero.Transaction.create`` returns a Transaction object. **Note**: despite the confusion that may arise, it is possible to associate a transaction with a customer (id, email) *without* creating a ``Customer`` object. This is so that transactions can be associated with a table in your system without incurring the overhead of storing credit cards and customer information in your gateway. In braintree, this is accomplish by storing the ``customer_id`` in ``custom_fields``. Transaction objects contain data about the payment. Every transaction object has a ``transaction_id`` and a ``price``. Additionally, transaction objects have a ``to_dict`` method which returns a dictionary of data which can be passed to ``Transaction.from_dict`` to restore the Transaction object. This is useful for caching the transaction data. After creating a payment, you can retrieve it using ``dinero.Transaction.retrieve``:: transaction = dinero.Transaction.retrieve( transaction_id = '1234567' ) ``dinero.Transaction.retrieve`` also returns a Transaction object. In order to refund or cancel a payment, there is a ``refund`` method on Transaction objects:: transaction.refund() Delayed settlement ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ A transaction can be submitted with ``settle=False`` for an authorization-only transaction. Later, the transaction can be ``settle()`` ed:: transaction = dinero.Transaction.create( ... settle=False ) # Up to 30 days later... transaction.settle() TODO: braintree support Customer Objects ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ You can also create transactions using a Customer object. A Customer object, much like the gateway configuration, can have multiple named accounts, one of which should be declared the "default":: customer = dinero.Customer.create( # email is used as a unique identifier for this customer email='joeyjoejoejunior@example.com', # these are all optional first_name='Joey', last_name='Shabadoo', company='Shabadoo, Inc.', phone='000-000-0000', fax='000-000-0001', address='123 somewhere st', state='SW', city='somewhere', zip='12345', country='US', # this is the 2-letter country code # credit card information is required number='4111-1111-1111-1111', # dinero removes all symbols *except X* year=2012, # Why? Authorize.net expects credit card numbers in the form month=2, # "XXXX1111" when updating payment information ) # the most important value: customer_id = customer.customer_id # and later, to update some information customer = dinero.Customer.retrieve(customer_id) customer.company = 'Joey Junior, Inc.' customer.save() # you can update the CC, too customer = dinero.Customer.retrieve(customer_id) customer.number = '4222-2222-2222-2222' customer.year = '2012' customer.month = '02' customer.save() The credit card information is required, at least on Authorize.net. So, assuming you've got a customer object, you can now make transactions against it:: customer = dinero.Customer.create( # minimum information to create a new account email='joeyjoejoejunior@example.com', number='4111-1111-1111-1111', year='2012', month='02', ) transaction = dinero.Transaction.create( price=2000, customer=customer ) Multiple Cards ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Like this:: customer = dinero.Customer.retrieve(...) print customer.cards # existing cards cc = customer.add_card( number='4111-1111-1111-1111', year='2012', month='02', ) # charge the new card dinero.Transaction.create( price=12, cc=cc, ) TESTING ------- :: $ pip install pytest ... $ py.test