资源说明:Mud to be played across social networks, like facebook
SocialMUD[![Build Status](https://secure.travis-ci.org/darkseid/Social-MUD.png?branch=master)](http://travis-ci.org/darkseid/Social-MUD) ======== 1. TODO - Description of the project 2. Installation instructions: 2.1 Install Redis: On Linux/ MacOS: Download it at: http://redis.googlecode.com/files/redis-2.4.8.tar.gz Execute this commands on the terminal: tar -zxvf redis-2.4.8.tar.gz cd redis-2.4.8 make sudo make install 2.2 Install Maven //TODO maven installation instructions 3. Running the project: 3.1 Run Redis server: Execute this command on the terminal: redis-server 3.2 Running the application: On the application root folder, and execute this command on the terminal: mvn jetty:run 3.3 Accessing the application On your web browser, enter the url: http://localhost:8080/game/index.do