资源说明:A dead simple proof of concept responsive grid based Drupal 7 base theme.
# Fluid # Mobile is the new focus of a lot of attention and many Drupal themes are cropping up with a focus on making responsive designs easier. This theme was created as a demonstration that responsive design is easy to implement. The [Fluid](http://github.com/tizzo/fluid) theme is comprised of nothing but an info file and a layout.css file (just like Drupal core's stark theme). Fluid is an experiment to create a bare bones Drupal 7 theme with a fully functional responive layout built built with [media query](http://www.w3.org/TR/css3-mediaqueries/) based break points to keep the layout friendly to displays of all sizes (including mobile). Experimenting with Fluid requires [Compass](http://compass-style) and [Susy](http://susy.oddbird.net).