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资源说明:WordPress plugin 'Multi Device Switcher' allows you to set a separate theme for device (Smart Phone, Tablet PC, Mobile Phone, Game and custom).
# Introducing Multi Device Switcher

This WordPress plugin allows you to set a separate theme for device (Smart Phone, Tablet PC, Mobile Phone, Game and custom).
This plugin detects if your site is being viewed by UserAgent, and switches to selected theme. The Custom Switcher can add every device.

## Features

- Set a separate theme for device (Smart Phone, Tablet PC, Mobile Phone, Game), switches to selected theme.
- Add every device by the **Custom Switcher**.
- Add links 'Mobile' or 'PC' in the theme by the **PC Switcher**, switch to the default theme.
- Switch the content of the post or page for each device by the **Display Switcher** Shortcode.
- Disable the switching of the theme by a particular URL by the **Disable Switcher**.
- Can be using is_multi_device() function that detect of the device.
- **Multi Device Switcher Command** command-line tool (required WP-CLI)

## How do I use it ?

1. Download and unzip files. Or install multi-device-switcher using the WordPress plugin installer. In that case, skip 2.
2. Upload "multi-device-switcher" to the "/wp-content/plugins/" directory.
3. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress.
4. Upload a separate theme to the "/wp-content/themes/" directory.
5. Go to the "Multi Device Switcher" options page through the 'Appearance' menu in WordPress.
6. Configure settings to your needs. Select Theme by Theme option. Add and fix UserAgent by UserAgent option if necessary.
7. Have fun!

## Screenshot

## How to add the Custom Switcher

1. Go to the "Multi Device Switcher" options page through the 'Appearance' menu in WordPress.
2. Enter the name of the Custom Switcher (20 characters max, alphanumeric) to the 'Add Custom Switcher'. Push the button 'Add'.
3. Configure settings. Select Theme by Theme option. Add UserAgent by UserAgent option.
4. Have fun!

## Setting and Using the PC Switcher

There are three ways how to Using the PC Switcher.

### 1. Add a PC Switcher to the footer

1. Go to the "Multi Device Switcher" options page through the 'Appearance' menu in WordPress.
2. Configure settings. Check the checkbox 'Add a PC Switcher to the footer.' by PC Switcher option.
3. Have fun!

### 2. Add a PC Switcher to your sidebars/widget areas

1. Add-on the widget 'PC Switcher', when you activate the plugin "Multi Device Switcher".
2. Go to the "Widgets" options page through the 'Appearance' menu in WordPress.
3. Drag and drop the title bars 'PC Switcher' into the desired area.
4. Have fun!

### 3. For the theme authors and developers, add a PC Switcher to your theme.

1. Add the following code into the PHP files, when you develop your theme.

2. Have fun!

### Using default CSS and customized CSS

1. Go to the "Multi Device Switcher" options page through the 'Appearance' menu in WordPress.
2. Configure settings. Check the checkbox 'Add a default CSS.' by PC Switcher option. If you want to customize CSS, uncheck the checkbox.
3. Have fun!

You can design the PC Switcher in the Style Sheet.

#### HTML output of the PC Switcher

``` #### HTML output of the PC Switcher when switched ``` ``` ## How to use the Display Switcher Shortcode The **Display Switcher** Shortcode switch the content of the post or page through the detection of the device. Add the shortcode `[multi]` in a post or page and use the `device` attribute to device name. if the device attribute is empty, detect the desktop PC. ### Attributes **device** (string | empty) The name of the device * smart * tablet * mobile * game * the name of the Custom Switcher if empty, detect the desktop PC ### Example Shortcode ``` [multi]pc or other specific stuff here[/multi] [multi device="smart"]smartphone specific stuff here[/multi] [multi device="tablet"]tablet specific stuff here[/multi] [multi device="test"]test Custom Switcher specific stuff here[/multi] ``` For theme or plugin developers. Filters The Display Switcher Shortcode through hooks. In that case, edit theme or plugin files. ``` ``` ## How to use the Disable Switcher The **Disable Switcher** disable the switching of the theme by a particular URL. If you match the access the url and a string or a regular expression (Regex mode), disable the switching of the theme. Regex mode is for advanced users. 1. Go to the "Multi Device Switcher" options page through the 'Appearance' menu in WordPress. 2. Enter the path to the line by line where you want to disable by Disable Switcher option. Check the checkbox 'Enable Regex', if you want to use a regular expression. 3. Have fun! ### Example ``` /sample-page /2015/01/hello-world ``` ##### Regex mode (in the case of regular expression) ``` \/sample\- \/2015\/01 ``` ## UserAgent option Samples * [Default UserAgent]( ## Detect the device by JavaScript Multi Device Switcher set the Cookie that holds the state of the switch. You can get the Cookie and detect the device by JavaScript. ### Cookies * `multi-device-switcher` The name of the device is switched (value: null | device name) * `disable-switcher` State of disabled (value: null | 1) * `pc-switcher` State of the PC Switcher when switched (value: null | 1) ### Example ``` ``` ## is_multi_device() function **is_multi_device()** function is a boolean function, meaning it returns either TRUE or FALSE. Works through the detection of the device by the Multi_Device_Switcher class. ### Usage ``` ``` ### Example ``` ``` ### Parameters **device name** (required) (string) The name of the device * smart * tablet * mobile * game * the name of the Custom Switcher ### Return Values (boolean) Return boolean whether a particular device. ## is_pc_switcher() function **is_pc_switcher()** function is a boolean function, meaning it returns either TRUE or FALSE. Return the the state of PC Switcher by the Multi_Device_Switcher class. Return true if the theme has switched by the PC Switcher. ### Usage ``` ``` ### Example ``` ``` ### Parameters None ### Return Values (boolean) Return the state of PC Switcher. ## is_disable_switcher() function **is_disable_switcher()** function is a boolean function, meaning it returns either TRUE or FALSE. Return the state of disabled by the Multi_Device_Switcher class. ### Usage ``` ``` ### Example ``` ``` ### Parameters None ### Return Values (boolean) Return the state of disabled. ## Hooks ### Filter hooks * multi_device_switcher/get_options * multi_device_switcher/get_option * multi_device_switcher/add_header_vary * multi_device_switcher/validate_options ### Action hooks * multi_device_switcher/detect_device ## Multi Device Switcher Command The **Multi Device Switcher Command** is command-line tool. Add-on the Multi Device Switcher Command, when you activate the plugin "Multi Device Switcher". To use the Multi Device Switcher Command is WP-CLI required. ### NAME wp multi-device ### DESCRIPTION Multi Device Switcher Command ### SYNOPSIS wp multi-device ### SUBCOMMANDS add add Custom Switcher css turn on/off default CSS delete delete Custom Switcher pc-switcher turn on/off PC Switcher reset reset Settings to Default UserAgent status get status of settings theme get or switch a theme useragent get or set UserAgent For more information about the Multi Device Switcher Command, see `wp help multi-device `. ### Command examples get status of settings wp multi-device status Active Theme: Twenty Fifteen | twentyfifteen +--------------------------+-----------------+----------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Device | Theme | Slug | UserAgent | +--------------------------+-----------------+----------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | smartphone (Smart Phone) | Twenty Fourteen | twentyfourteen | iPhone, iPod, Android, dream, CUPCAKE, Windows Phone, webOS, BB10, Blac | | | | | kBerry8707, BlackBerry9000, BlackBerry9300, BlackBerry9500, BlackBerry9 | | | | | 530, BlackBerry9520, BlackBerry9550, BlackBerry9700, BlackBerry 93, Bla | | | | | ckBerry 97, BlackBerry 99, BlackBerry 98 | | tablet (Tablet PC) | Twenty Thirteen | twentythirteen | iPad, Kindle, Sony Tablet, Nexus 7 | | mobile (Mobile Phone) | Twenty Twelve | twentytwelve | DoCoMo, SoftBank, J-PHONE, Vodafone, KDDI, UP.Browser, WILLCOM, emobile | | | | | , DDIPOCKET, Windows CE, BlackBerry, Symbian, PalmOS, Huawei, IAC, Noki | | | | | a | | game (Game Platforms) | Twenty Eleven | twentyeleven | PlayStation Portable, PlayStation Vita, PSP, PS2, PLAYSTATION 3, PlaySt | | | | | ation 4, Nitro, Nintendo 3DS, Nintendo Wii, Nintendo WiiU, Xbox | +--------------------------+-----------------+----------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ PC Switcher: on default CSS: on switch twentyfifteen in theme of smartphone using theme slug wp multi-device theme smartphone twentyfifteen set UserAgent in theme of tablet wp multi-device useragent tablet 'iPad, Kindle, Sony Tablet, Nexus 7' add example Custom Switcher wp multi-device add example add example Custom Switcher. set twentyfifteen theme and UserAgent using theme slug wp multi-device add example twentyfifteen 'iPad, Kindle, Sony Tablet, Nexus 7' delete example Custom Switcher wp multi-device delete example turn on default CSS wp multi-device css on ## Resources * [Developer Blog (Japanese) - ]( ## WordPress Plugin Directory Multi Device Switcher is hosted on the WordPress Plugin Directory. []( ## Test Matrix For operation compatibility between PHP version and WordPress version, see below [Github Actions]( ## Contribution ### Patches and Bug Fixes Small patches and bug reports can be submitted a issue tracker in Github. Forking on Github is another good way. You can send a pull request. 1. Fork [Multi Device Switcher]( from GitHub repository 2. Create a feature branch: git checkout -b my-new-feature 3. Commit your changes: git commit -am 'Add some feature' 4. Push to the branch: git push origin my-new-feature 5. Create new Pull Request ## Changelog * Version 1.8.3 * update japanese translation * update pot * add composer script * change makepot from php script to wp cli * change plugin initialization to plugins_loaded hook * replace assert from assertEquals to assertSame * Version 1.8.2 * change requires at least to wordpress 4.9 * change requires to PHP 5.6 * add test case * set the initial value an empty array * add hook_suffix argument * Version 1.8.1 * update japanese translation * update pot * imporve code with phpcs * update wordpress-test-matrix * fix test case * fix plugin_metadata_links method * add load_plugin_data method * rename variable from options to option_name * add test case for customizer * rename method name * update composer dependencies * change from protected variable to public variable for unit test * add timeout-minutes to workflows * add phpunit-polyfills * update * tested up to 5.8.0 * fix .editorconfig * Version 1.8.0 * add test case * add PHPDoc * update japanese translation * update pot * fix composer.json * add FUNDING.yml * change donate link * add sponsor link * add GitHub actions for CI/CD, remove .travis.yml * Version 1.7.0 * add test case for cdn * add multi_device_switcher/detect_device action hook * split switch_theme method into detect_device and switch_theme * fix wp-cli * add bats test case for cli * refactoring with phpstan * fix default options via method * change tag name * change method name * improve get_options method * replace from get_default_options() to class value default_options * fix not valid snake_case format * add public as access modifier keywords * add PHPDoc * add, * fix header * fix textdomain * fix indent and reformat with phpcs and phpcbf * add composer.json for test * add static code analysis config * Version 1.6.2 * add prefix into hook tag, change tag name from add_header_vary to multi_device_switcher_add_header_vary * for php5.3, change called function via hook from anonymous function to public function * Version 1.6.1 * add test cases * add add_header_vary filter * improve cookie settings via wp_headers hook * change file name to upper case * add LICENSE file * Version 1.6.0 * change Requires at least version 3.7 * remove cache with PC Switcher widget * add init function * change hook destination from plugin_action_links to plugin_action_links_{$plugin_file} * add load_textdomain function * add define variable \_\_MULTI_DEVICE_SWITCHER_FILE\_\_ * check class Multi_Device_Switcher * check ABSPATH * add isset to conditional statement * fix boolean * add tests * Version 1.5.4 * fixed: fix property keyword for testability * fixed: fix add_action 'customize_register' with \_\_construct() * fixed: fix capability * Version 1.5.3 * fixed: add function multi_device_switcher_get_default_options for wp multi-device [#9]( * Version 1.5.2 * fixed: fix setcookie() [#8]( * Version 1.5.1 * fixed: fix preg_split() * Version 1.5.0 * fixed: refactoring by the PHP_CodeSniffer * fixed: change admin functions to class/object methods * Version 1.4.2 * edited: edit readme * new features: Display Switcher Shortcode * updated: update default UserAgent * fixed: fix pc-switcher ssl url * Version 1.4.1 * edited: edit readme * new features: is_disable_switcher() function * new features: is_pc_switcher() function * fixed: fix redirect url and pc-switcher url * Version 1.4.0 * edited: edit readme * added: add cookies 'multi-device-switcher', 'disable-switcher' * new features: Disable Switcher * fixed: fix get_options_userAgent(), multi_device_switcher_get_options() * fixed: add reserved words validate * new features: Multi Device Switcher Command * added: add option settings into Theme Customizer * fixed: refactoring by the PHP_CodeSniffer * Version 1.3.0 * fixed: fix script, style, html and readme * new features: is_multi_device() function * fixed: fix translation * updated: update default UserAgent * fixed: replace WP_PLUGIN_URL with plugins_url() * fixed: using Page Hook Suffix * merged: pull request [#3]( * Version 1.2.3 * fixed: fix redirect uri with query string, using add_query_arg * fixed: fix translation * fixed: fix readme * Version 1.2.2 * improved: improve responsiveness UI * fixed: fix html * Version 1.2.1 * fixed: delete add_contextual_help * fixed: fix readme and html * Version 1.2.0 * added: add PC Switcher Widget * new features: PC Switcher * added: add the settings link to the plugin page * Version 1.1.2 * required: at least version 3.4 * fixed: fix tabs and buttons * Version 1.1.1 * fixed: change the order of the UserAgent detection * updated: update default UserAgent * added: add HTTP/1.1 Vary header * Version 1.1.0 * new features: Custom Switcher * Version 1.0.4 * fixed: fix the object model PHP5, \_\_construct() to replace Multi_Device_Switcher * fixed: wp_get_themes(), and wp_get_theme() to replace get_themes(), get_theme() * Version 1.0.3 * updated: update screenshots * fixed: fix reset button * Version 1.0.2 * added: add file uninstall.php * fixed: split admin_enqueue_scripts() into two functions * fixed: detects is_admin() * Version 1.0.1 * fixed: split multi_device_switcher_init() into two functions * Version 1.0.0 * Initial release. ## Upgrade Notice * Version 1.8.2 * Requires at least version 4.9 of the WordPress * Requires PHP version 5.6 * Version 1.6.0 * Requires at least version 3.7 of the WordPress * Version 1.1.2 * Requires at least version 3.4 of the WordPress ## License Licensed under [GPLv2](
