文件大小: unknow
源码售价: 5 个金币 积分规则     积分充值
资源说明:I want to be able to copy all my photos to a directory which is ordered by Event/photos.jpg
This probably goes against what shotwell want me to do, but it annoys me I can't
rearrange my date ordered photos on the filesystem to be by event. Where it annoys 
me most is when I want to show my photos on the xbox and then have to browse via file
system. This is a hack that will **COPY** the photos to another directory (on my
windows machine in my case) that is sorted as EVENT_NAME/photos.

It also rotates them automatically using exiftran.

Example: -i ~/.shotwell/data/photo.db -d /mnt/windows/Users/stephen/Pictures/ -r
