资源说明:A node.js module for interfacing with the Elk M1 Gold automation controller
# elkington [![build status](https://secure.travis-ci.org/kevinohara80/elkington.png)](http://travis-ci.org/kevinohara80/elkington) **elkington** is a node.js module for interfacing with the [Elk M1 Gold](http://www.elkproducts.com/product-catalog/m1-gold-cross-platform-control) automation controller. **This is currently experimental and under development. Not all Elk messages are currently being parsed.** ## Features * Simple API with function calls for Elk commands * Supports many Elk commands * Supports both secure and non-secure communication ports ## Usage To get started, call `createConnection()` to create a new connection and register some event handlers: ```javascript var elkington = require('elkington'); /// create a connection var elk = elkington.createConnection({ port: 2101, host: '' }); // register event handlers elk.on('any', function(msg){ console.log('Incoming message: ' + msg.message); }); ``` Or a secure connection can be established... ```javascript /// create a connection var elk = elkington.createConnection({ port: 2601, host: 'myelk.myhouse.com', username: 'somebody', password: 'yoyoyo', useSecure: true }); ``` ### Handling events **elkington** provides a lot of commands. Some of the commands will invoke a response from the controller. You can optionally pass in a callback to these commands. ```javascript elk.alarmByZoneRequest(function(err, resp){ if(err) { console.log(err.message); } else { console.log('Got the alarm by zone response'); } }); ``` Or you can listen for the response in a separate event handler and just call the method. ```javascript // AZ is the message type for 'Alarm by Zone Reply' elk.on('AZ', function(msg) { console.log('area1 arm status: ' + msg.data.area1.armStatus); }); elk.alarmByZoneRequest(); ``` ### Speaking The Elk M1 has a large library of words that it can say over it's speaker. With the **elkington** `speak()` function, you can make your Elk say all kinds of wacky (or useful) stuff... ```javascript elk.speak('defective hottub pump'); ``` ...now something more useful: ```javascript var elkington = require('elkington'); var request = require('request'); var elk = elkington.createConnection({ port: 2101 , host: ''}); elk.on('connect', function() { // say the outside temp on connection to the Elk var opts = { url: 'http://query.yahooapis.com/v1/public/yql', qs: { q: 'select item from weather.forecast where location = "48307"', format: 'json' } }; request(opts, function(error, response, body) { if(!error) { var temp = JSON.parse(body).query.results.channel.item.condition.temp.toString(); elk.speak('outside temperature is ' + temp + ' degrees'); } }); }); ``` The speak function can even interpret numerical values ```javascript // speaker says 'two thousand twelve' elk.speak('2012'); ``` ## Event API ### on(event, callback) Register an event listener. ## Arm/Disarm API ### disarm([callback]) Disarm the Elk. Callback is optional. ### armAway([options]) Arm the Elk in Away Mode. ### armStay([options]) Arm the Elk in Stay Mode. ### armStayInstant([options]) Arm the Elk in Stay Mode instantaneously. ### armNight([options]) Arm the Elk in Night Mode. ### armNightInstant([options]) Arm the Elk in Night Mode instantaneously. ### armVacation([options]) Arm the Elk in Vacation Mode. ### armStepAway([options]) Arm and step to next Away mode ### armStepStay([options]) Arm and step to next Stay mode ### armingStatusRequest([callback]) Request the arming statuses for all areas. Callback is optional. The callback returns the results of the Arming Status Response sent by the Elk. ## Events **elkington** can emit the following events. With the exception of the utility `any` event, the events use the same two-character, uppercase codes from the Elk RS-232 ASCII protocol: * `any`: Any message from the Elk * `AR`: Alarm Reporting to Ethernet * `AS`: Arming status report data * `AT`: Ethernet Test to IP * `AZ`: Alarm by zone reply * `CC`: Control output change update * `CR`: Custom value report data * `CS`: Control output status report data * `CU`: Change user code reply * `CV`: Counter Value Data * `DS`: Lighting Poll Response * `DK`: Display KP LCD Data * `EM`: Email Trigger to M1XEP * `IC`: Send invalid user code digits * `IE`: Installer program exited * `IP`: M1XSP Insteon Program * `IR`: M1XSP Insteon Read * `KA`: Keypad areas report data * `KC`: Keypad key change update * `KF`: Function key pressed data * `LD`: Log data with index * `LW`: Reply temperature data * `PC`: PLC change update * `PS`: PLC status report data * `RE`: Reset Ethernet Module * `RP`: ELKRP connected * `RR`: Real Time Clock Data * `SD`: Text string description report data * `SS`: System Trouble Status data * `ST`: Temperature report data * `TC`: Task change update * `TR`: Thermostat data report * `UA`: User code areas report data * `VN`: Reply Version Number of M1 * `XB`: reserved by ELKRP * `XK`: Request Ethernet test * `ZB`: Zone bypass report data * `ZC`: Zone change update * `ZD`: Zone definition report data * `ZP`: Zone partition report data * `ZS`: Zone status report data * `ZV`: Zone analog voltage data ## Words The **elkington** `speak()` function supports the following words: *custom1, custom2, custom3, custom4, custom5, custom6, custom7, custom8, custom9, custom10, zero, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, twenty, thirty, forty, fifty, sixty, seventy, eighty, ninety, hundred, thousand, silence200ms, silence500ms, tone800hz, a, access, acknowledged, ac_power, activate, activated, active, adjust, air, alarm, alert, all, am, an, and, answer, any, are, area, arm, armed, at, attic, audio, auto, authorized, automatic, automation, auxiliary, away, b, back, barn, basement, bathroom, battery, bedroom, been, bell, bottom, break, breakfast, bright, building, burglar, button, by, bypassed, cabinet, call, camera, cancel, carbon_monoxide, card, center, central, change, check, chime, circuit, clear, closed, closet, code, cold, condition, connect, control, cool, cooling, corner, crawlspace, danger, day, deck, decrease, defective, degrees, delay, den, denied, detected, detector, device, dial, dialing, dim, dining_room, disable, disarm, disarmed, dock, door, doors, down, driveway, east, emergency, enable, end, energy, enrollment, enter, entering, entertainment, enter_the, entry, environment, equipment, error, evacuate, event, exercise, expander, exit, exterior, f, fail, failure, family_room, fan, feed, fence, fire, first, flood, floor, followed, force, fountain, foyer, freeze, front, full, furnace, fuse, game, garage, gas, gate, glass, go, good, goodbye, great, group, guest, gun, hall, hallway, hanging_up, hang_up, has, has_expired, have, hear_menu_options, heat, help, high, hold, home, hot, hottub, house, humidity, hvac, if, immediately, in, inches, increase, inner, input, inside, instant, interior, in_the, intruder, intruder_message, intrusion, invalid, is, is_about_to_expire, is_active, is_armed, is_canceled, is_closed, is_disarmed, is_low, is_off, is_ok, is_on, is_open, jacuzzi, jewelry, keep, key, keypad, kitchen, lamp, laundry, lawn, leak, leave, left, less, level, library, light, lights, line, living_room, loading, lobby, location, lock, low, lower, m, machine, mail, main, mains, manual, master, max, media, medical, medicine, memory, menu, message, middle, minute, missing, mode, module, monitor, more, motion, motor, next, night, no, normal, north, not, notified, now, number, nursery, of, off, office, oh, ok, on, online, only, open, operating, option, or, other, out, outlet, output, outside, over, overhead, panel, panic, parking, partition, patio, pause, perimeter, personal, phone, place, play, please, plus, pm, police, pool, porch, port, pound, pounds, power, press, pressure, problem, program, protected, pump, radio, raise, ready, rear, receiver, record, recreation, relay, remain_calm, remote, repeat, report, reporting, reset, restored, return, right, roof, room, running, safe, save, screen, second, secure, security, select, sensor, serial, service, set, setback, setpoint, setting, shed, shipping, shock, shop, shorted, shunted, side, silence, siren, sliding, smoke, someone, south, spare, speaker, sprinkler, stairs, stairway, star, start, status, stay, stock, stop, storage, storm, studio, study, sump, sun, switch, system, tamper, tank, task, telephone, television, temperature, test, thank_you, that, the, theater, thermostat, third, time, toggle, top, transformer, transmitter, trespassing, trouble, turn, twice, type, under, unit, unlocked, unoccupied, up, user, utility, vacation, valve, video, violated, visitor, wake_up, walk, wall, warehouse, warning, water, way, welcome, west, what, when, where, will, window, windows, with, work, yard, year, you, zone, zones* ## Links - [Elk RS-232 ASCII Protocol](http://www.scribd.com/doc/50097012/Elk-m1-Rs232-Protocol) ## Todo - Oh, man. Where do I start.