文件大小: unknow
源码售价: 5 个金币 积分规则     积分充值
资源说明:examine tree of life (species database)
              P   C    O    F      G       S
All Life:    89 279 1140 8682 144934 1612822

- Animalia:  35 106  560 6140 114090 1103664
- Plantae:    2  19  131  688  15437  345501
- Fungi:      6  44  177  726   9921  128432
- Protozoa:   9  35   92  385   1311   11220
- Chromista:  5  11   36  288   1616   10770
- Bacteria:  29  54  121  321   1973    9982
- Viruses:    1   1    8  105    475    2876
- Archaea:    2   9   15   29    111     377

Animalia  Phyla    with most Classes:  Arthropoda              15
                                       Chordata                14
                                       Mollusca                 8
                                       Platyhelminthes          6
                                       Echinodermata            5

Animalia  Phyla    with most Orders:   Chordata               140
                                       Arthropoda             127
                                       Mollusca                53
                                       Platyhelminthes         44
                                       Echinodermata           36

Animalia  Phyla    with most Families: Arthropoda            2682
                                       Chordata              1108
                                       Mollusca               572
                                       Platyhelminthes        355
                                       Cnidaria               291

Animalia  Phyla    with most Genera:   Arthropoda           87797
                                       Chordata             10372
                                       Mollusca              5326
                                       Platyhelminthes       2254
                                       Annelida              1730

Animalia  Phyla    with most Species:  Arthropoda          928625
                                       Chordata             67462
                                       Mollusca             41642
                                       Annelida             12829
                                       Cnidaria             10189

Animalia  Classes  with most Orders:   Actinopterygii          46
                                       Aves                    33
                                       Insecta                 31
                                       Mammalia                29
                                       Maxillopoda             23

Animalia  Classes  with most Families: Insecta               1143
                                       Malacostraca           504
                                       Actinopterygii         487
                                       Arachnida              476
                                       Gastropoda             356

Animalia  Classes  with most Genera:   Insecta              71824
                                       Arachnida             6274
                                       Malacostraca          4869
                                       Actinopterygii        4827
                                       Gastropoda            3655

Animalia  Classes  with most Species:  Insecta             807811
                                       Arachnida            63607
                                       Actinopterygii       31600
                                       Gastropoda           30239
                                       Malacostraca         28232

Animalia  Orders   with most Families: Sarcoptiformes         172
                                       Decapoda               167
                                       Coleoptera             164
                                       Perciformes            163
                                       Diptera                159

Animalia  Orders   with most Genera:   Coleoptera           19145
                                       Lepidoptera          16601
                                       Diptera               9085
                                       Hemiptera             8891
                                       Hymenoptera           6670

Animalia  Orders   with most Species:  Coleoptera          239736
                                       Diptera             154157
                                       Lepidoptera         149039
                                       Hymenoptera         115235
                                       Hemiptera            62727

Animalia  Families with most Genera:   Curculionidae         5093
                                       Cerambycidae          4937
                                       Noctuidae             3011
                                       Cicadellidae          2383
                                       Carabidae             2008

Animalia  Families with most Species:  Curculionidae        82717
                                       Carabidae            37400
                                       Cerambycidae         33140
                                       Ichneumonidae        23772
                                       Noctuidae            23131

Animalia  Genera   with most Species:  Curculio              3730
                                       Tipula                2263
                                       Otiorrhynchus         2234
                                       Onthophagus           2173
                                       Lasioglossum          1740

Plantae   Phyla    with most Classes:  Tracheophyta            11
                                       Bryophyta                8

Plantae   Phyla    with most Orders:   Tracheophyta            88
                                       Bryophyta               43

Plantae   Phyla    with most Families: Tracheophyta           501
                                       Bryophyta              187

Plantae   Phyla    with most Genera:   Tracheophyta         14096
                                       Bryophyta             1341

Plantae   Phyla    with most Species:  Tracheophyta        331289
                                       Bryophyta            14212

Plantae   Classes  with most Orders:   Magnoliopsida           56
                                       Bryopsida               20
                                       Liliopsida              12
                                       Jungermanniopsida        8
                                       Polypodiopsida           7

Plantae   Classes  with most Families: Magnoliopsida          358
                                       Bryopsida               95
                                       Liliopsida              80
                                       Jungermanniopsida       62
                                       Polypodiopsida          41

Plantae   Classes  with most Genera:   Magnoliopsida        10889
                                       Liliopsida            2815
                                       Bryopsida              944
                                       Jungermanniopsida      342
                                       Polypodiopsida         282

Plantae   Classes  with most Species:  Magnoliopsida       242774
                                       Liliopsida           74231
                                       Bryopsida            12964
                                       Polypodiopsida       11588
                                       Lycopodiopsida        1356

Plantae   Orders   with most Families: Jungermanniales         37
                                       Malpighiales            36
                                       Caryophyllales          36
                                       Ericales                25
                                       Lamiales                24

Plantae   Orders   with most Genera:   Asterales             1974
                                       Asparagales           1174
                                       Gentianales           1093
                                       Lamiales              1064
                                       Poales                 989

Plantae   Orders   with most Species:  Asparagales          36670
                                       Asterales            35629
                                       Lamiales             26925
                                       Poales               23362
                                       Gentianales          22344

Plantae   Families with most Genera:   Asteraceae            1847
                                       Orchidaceae            839
                                       Poaceae                740
                                       Fabaceae               738
                                       Rubiaceae              591

Plantae   Families with most Species:  Asteraceae           32285
                                       Orchidaceae          27753
                                       Fabaceae             20686
                                       Rubiaceae            13581
                                       Poaceae              11543

Plantae   Genera   with most Species:  Astragalus            2688
                                       Taraxacum             2307
                                       Hieracium             2258
                                       Carex                 2043
                                       Euphorbia             1967

Fungi     Phyla    with most Classes:  Ascomycota              19
                                       Basidiomycota           17
                                       Chytridiomycota          5
                                       Zygomycota               1
                                       Not assigned             1

Fungi     Phyla    with most Orders:   Ascomycota              87
                                       Basidiomycota           63
                                       Chytridiomycota         11
                                       Zygomycota              11
                                       Glomeromycota            4

Fungi     Phyla    with most Families: Ascomycota             410
                                       Basidiomycota          224
                                       Chytridiomycota         42
                                       Zygomycota              39
                                       Glomeromycota           10

Fungi     Phyla    with most Genera:   Ascomycota            7562
                                       Basidiomycota         1993
                                       Zygomycota             190
                                       Chytridiomycota        151
                                       Glomeromycota           19

Fungi     Phyla    with most Species:  Ascomycota           80137
                                       Basidiomycota        45602
                                       Zygomycota            1289
                                       Chytridiomycota       1200
                                       Glomeromycota          194

Fungi     Classes  with most Orders:   Dothideomycetes         20
                                       Sordariomycetes         19
                                       Agaricomycetes          18
                                       Lecanoromycetes         11
                                       Not assigned            11

Fungi     Classes  with most Families: Dothideomycetes        119
                                       Agaricomycetes         118
                                       Sordariomycetes         82
                                       Lecanoromycetes         71
                                       Not assigned            39

Fungi     Classes  with most Genera:   Not assigned          2054
                                       Sordariomycetes       1671
                                       Dothideomycetes       1616
                                       Agaricomycetes        1465
                                       Leotiomycetes          833

Fungi     Classes  with most Species:  Agaricomycetes       33866
                                       Dothideomycetes      28019
                                       Sordariomycetes      19984
                                       Leotiomycetes         9354
                                       Pucciniomycetes       8316

Fungi     Orders   with most Families: Pleosporales            40
                                       Not assigned            35
                                       Agaricales              32
                                       Boletales               21
                                       Lecanorales             19

Fungi     Orders   with most Genera:   Not assigned          2047
                                       Helotiales             645
                                       Agaricales             559
                                       Not assigned           473
                                       Hypocreales            370

Fungi     Orders   with most Species:  Agaricales           21792
                                       Pleosporales          8775
                                       Pucciniales           7969
                                       Helotiales            7251
                                       Capnodiales           7034

Fungi     Families with most Genera:   Not assigned          2007
                                       Not assigned           231
                                       Not assigned           167
                                       Helotiaceae            163
                                       Not assigned           150

Fungi     Families with most Species:  Mycosphaerellaceae    6137
                                       Not assigned          5297
                                       Pucciniaceae          4368
                                       Cortinariaceae        3546
                                       Agaricaceae           2577

Fungi     Genera   with most Species:  Puccinia              3050
                                       Cortinarius           2746
                                       Meliola               1683
                                       Phyllosticta          1509
                                       Entoloma              1489

Protozoa  Phyla    with most Classes:  Ciliophora              15
                                       Not assigned             6
                                       Microsporidia            3
                                       Mycetozoa                3
                                       Choanozoa                2

Protozoa  Phyla    with most Orders:   Ciliophora              57
                                       Not assigned             9
                                       Mycetozoa                8
                                       Microsporidia            7
                                       Choanozoa                3

Protozoa  Phyla    with most Families: Ciliophora             267
                                       Microsporidia           43
                                       Not assigned            40
                                       Mycetozoa               21
                                       Choanozoa                5

Protozoa  Phyla    with most Genera:   Ciliophora             925
                                       Microsporidia          181
                                       Not assigned            83
                                       Mycetozoa               81
                                       Choanozoa               20

Protozoa  Phyla    with most Species:  Ciliophora            8669
                                       Mycetozoa             1111
                                       Microsporidia         1104
                                       Not assigned           180
                                       Choanozoa               78

Protozoa  Classes  with most Orders:   Oligohymenophorea        7
                                       Colpodea                 7
                                       Gymnostomatea            6
                                       Oligotrichea             5
                                       Spirotrichea             5

Protozoa  Classes  with most Families: Oligohymenophorea       61
                                       Microsporea             40
                                       Kinetofragminophora     34
                                       Hypotrichea             28
                                       Gymnostomatea           22

Protozoa  Classes  with most Genera:   Oligohymenophorea      193
                                       Hypotrichea            171
                                       Microsporea            170
                                       Gymnostomatea          102
                                       Heterotrichea           79

Protozoa  Classes  with most Species:  Oligohymenophorea     2665
                                       Hypotrichea           1377
                                       Microsporea           1071
                                       Gymnostomatea         1005
                                       Myxomycetes            948

Protozoa  Orders   with most Families: Suctorida               27
                                       Peritrichida            17
                                       Heterotrichida          17
                                       Hymenostomatida         15
                                       Prostomatida            13

Protozoa  Orders   with most Genera:   Heterotrichida          76
                                       Peritrichida            75
                                       Oxytrichida             61
                                       Urostylida              56
                                       Meiodihaplophasida      48

Protozoa  Orders   with most Species:  Peritrichida          1733
                                       Heterotrichida         659
                                       Oxytrichida            485
                                       Meiodihaplophasida     465
                                       Spathidiida            455

Protozoa  Families with most Genera:   Oxytrichidae            56
                                       Not assigned            31
                                       Thelohaniidae           22
                                       Amphisiellidae          17
                                       Stemonitidaceae         17

Protozoa  Families with most Species:  Oxytrichidae           452
                                       Vorticellidae          423
                                       Epistylididae          327
                                       Thelohaniidae          323
                                       Vaginicolidae          319

Protozoa  Genera   with most Species:  Vorticella             286
                                       Thelohania             281
                                       Cothurnia              167
                                       Epistylis              162
                                       Physarum               142

Chromista Phyla    with most Classes:  Oomycota                 4
                                       Foraminifera             4
                                       Radiozoa                 1
                                       Bigyra                   1
                                       Labyrinthista            1

Chromista Phyla    with most Orders:   Oomycota                15
                                       Foraminifera            15
                                       Radiozoa                 2
                                       Bigyra                   2
                                       Labyrinthista            2

Chromista Phyla    with most Families: Foraminifera           219
                                       Oomycota                36
                                       Radiozoa                16
                                       Labyrinthista           10
                                       Bigyra                   7

Chromista Phyla    with most Genera:   Foraminifera          1241
                                       Radiozoa               213
                                       Oomycota               130
                                       Bigyra                  19
                                       Labyrinthista           13

Chromista Phyla    with most Species:  Foraminifera          8705
                                       Oomycota              1571
                                       Radiozoa               417
                                       Bigyra                  57
                                       Labyrinthista           20

Chromista Classes  with most Orders:   Peronosporea            11
                                       Globothalamea            6
                                       Not assigned             4
                                       Monothalamea             3
                                       Polycystina              2

Chromista Classes  with most Families: Globothalamea          141
                                       Monothalamea            43
                                       Peronosporea            28
                                       Tubothalamea            25
                                       Polycystina             16

Chromista Classes  with most Genera:   Globothalamea          659
                                       Polycystina            213
                                       Monothalamea           197
                                       Tubothalamea           195
                                       Not assigned           190

Chromista Classes  with most Species:  Globothalamea         4039
                                       Not assigned          2356
                                       Tubothalamea          1699
                                       Peronosporea          1513
                                       Monothalamea           611

Chromista Orders   with most Families: Rotaliida               88
                                       Lituolida               33
                                       Astrorhizida            31
                                       Miliolida               21
                                       Peronosporales          10

Chromista Orders   with most Genera:   Rotaliida              427
                                       Miliolida              170
                                       Lituolida              148
                                       Lagenida               145
                                       Nassellaria            125

Chromista Orders   with most Species:  Rotaliida             2793
                                       Lagenida              2285
                                       Miliolida             1509
                                       Peronosporales        1084
                                       Lituolida              737

Chromista Families with most Genera:   Hauerinidae             77
                                       Actinommidae            53
                                       Not assigned            42
                                       Allogromiidae           39
                                       Theoperidae             35

Chromista Families with most Species:  Hauerinidae            999
                                       Ellipsolagenidae       835
                                       Peronosporaceae        752
                                       Lagenidae              418
                                       Vaginulinidae          361

Chromista Genera   with most Species:  Peronospora            405
                                       Quinqueloculina        367
                                       Lagena                 360
                                       Fissurina              349
                                       Parafissurina          149

Bacteria  Phyla    with most Classes:  Proteobacteria           6
                                       Chloroflexi              6
                                       Firmicutes               5
                                       Bacteroidetes            5
                                       Planctomycetes           2

Bacteria  Phyla    with most Orders:   Proteobacteria          45
                                       Actinobacteria          10
                                       Firmicutes               9
                                       Chloroflexi              9
                                       Cyanobacteria            6

Bacteria  Phyla    with most Families: Proteobacteria         122
                                       Actinobacteria          58
                                       Firmicutes              40
                                       Bacteroidetes           19
                                       Cyanobacteria           18

Bacteria  Phyla    with most Genera:   Proteobacteria         855
                                       Firmicutes             343
                                       Actinobacteria         297
                                       Bacteroidetes          219
                                       Cyanobacteria           91

Bacteria  Phyla    with most Species:  Proteobacteria        3571
                                       Actinobacteria        2420
                                       Firmicutes            1842
                                       Bacteroidetes          845
                                       Cyanobacteria          632

Bacteria  Classes  with most Orders:   Gammaproteobacteria     16
                                       Alphaproteobacteria     11
                                       Not assigned             9
                                       Deltaproteobacteria      8
                                       Betaproteobacteria       7

Bacteria  Classes  with most Families: Not assigned            55
                                       Gammaproteobacteria     48
                                       Alphaproteobacteria     31
                                       Deltaproteobacteria     24
                                       Clostridia              20

Bacteria  Classes  with most Genera:   Gammaproteobacteria    312
                                       Not assigned           291
                                       Alphaproteobacteria    286
                                       Clostridia             168
                                       Betaproteobacteria     152

Bacteria  Classes  with most Species:  Not assigned          2414
                                       Gammaproteobacteria   1594
                                       Bacilli               1156
                                       Alphaproteobacteria   1101
                                       Cyanophyceae           631

Bacteria  Orders   with most Families: Actinomycetales         45
                                       Rhizobiales             14
                                       Clostridiales           14
                                       Alteromonadales         10
                                       Bacillales              10

Bacteria  Orders   with most Genera:   Actinomycetales        263
                                       Clostridiales          132
                                       Flavobacteriales       104
                                       Bacillales              94
                                       Rhodobacterales         91

Bacteria  Orders   with most Species:  Actinomycetales       2322
                                       Bacillales             762
                                       Clostridiales          504
                                       Nostocales             412
                                       Flavobacteriales       401

Bacteria  Families with most Genera:   Flavobacteriaceae       95
                                       Rhodobacteraceae        91
                                       Enterobacteriaceae      49
                                       Bacillaceae             44
                                       Microbacteriaceae       36

Bacteria  Families with most Species:  Streptomycetaceae      552
                                       Flavobacteriaceae      391
                                       Bacillaceae            367
                                       Rhodobacteraceae       241
                                       Enterobacteriaceae     227

Bacteria  Genera   with most Species:  Streptomyces           522
                                       Bacillus               179
                                       Clostridium            176
                                       Mycobacterium          151
                                       Lactobacillus          149

Viruses   Orders   with most Families: Not assigned            78
                                       Picornavirales           6
                                       Mononegavirales          5
                                       Nidovirales              4
                                       Tymovirales              4

Viruses   Orders   with most Genera:   Not assigned           301
                                       Picornavirales          52
                                       Caudovirales            41
                                       Mononegavirales         27
                                       Herpesvirales           20

Viruses   Orders   with most Species:  Not assigned          2043
                                       Picornavirales         233
                                       Tymovirales            176
                                       Caudovirales           161
                                       Mononegavirales        118

Viruses   Families with most Genera:   Papillomaviridae        39
                                       Picornaviridae          26
                                       Myoviridae              19
                                       Reoviridae              15
                                       Poxviridae              14

Viruses   Families with most Species:  Geminiviridae          325
                                       Potyviridae            177
                                       Bunyaviridae            97
                                       Papillomaviridae        95
                                       Not assigned            90

Viruses   Genera   with most Species:  Begomovirus:           288
                                       Potyvirus:             146
                                       Flavivirus:             53
                                       Carlavirus:             52
                                       Orthobunyavirus:        48

Archaea   Phyla    with most Classes:  Euryarchaeota            8
                                       Crenarchaeota            1

Archaea   Phyla    with most Orders:   Euryarchaeota           10
                                       Crenarchaeota            5

Archaea   Phyla    with most Families: Euryarchaeota           21
                                       Crenarchaeota            8

Archaea   Phyla    with most Genera:   Euryarchaeota           84
                                       Crenarchaeota           27

Archaea   Phyla    with most Species:  Euryarchaeota          319
                                       Crenarchaeota           58

Archaea   Classes  with most Orders:   Thermoprotei             5
                                       Methanomicrobia          3
                                       Thermoplasmata           1
                                       Thermococci              1
                                       Methanopyri              1

Archaea   Classes  with most Families: Methanomicrobia          9
                                       Thermoprotei             8
                                       Thermoplasmata           4
                                       Methanococci             2
                                       Methanobacteria          2

Archaea   Classes  with most Genera:   Halobacteria            39
                                       Thermoprotei            27
                                       Methanomicrobia         24
                                       Thermoplasmata           5
                                       Methanobacteria          5

Archaea   Classes  with most Species:  Halobacteria           138
                                       Methanomicrobia         72
                                       Thermoprotei            58
                                       Methanobacteria         44
                                       Thermococci             34

Archaea   Orders   with most Families: Methanomicrobiales       5
                                       Thermoplasmatales        4
                                       Methanosarcinales        3
                                       Methanococcales          2
                                       Methanobacteriales       2

Archaea   Orders   with most Genera:   Halobacteriales         39
                                       Methanomicrobiales      12
                                       Desulfurococcales       12
                                       Methanosarcinales       11
                                       Thermoproteales          6

Archaea   Orders   with most Species:  Halobacteriales        138
                                       Methanobacteriales      44
                                       Methanomicrobiales      38
                                       Thermococcales          34
                                       Methanosarcinales       32

Archaea   Families with most Genera:   Halobacteriaceae        39
                                       Methanosarcinaceae       9
                                       Desulfurococcaceae       9
                                       Methanomicrobiaceae      6
                                       Sulfolobaceae            6

Archaea   Families with most Species:  Halobacteriaceae       138
                                       Methanobacteriaceae     42
                                       Thermococcaceae         34
                                       Methanosarcinaceae      29
                                       Methanomicrobiaceae     22

Archaea   Genera   with most Species:  Thermococcus            27
                                       Halorubrum              25
                                       Methanobacterium        20
                                       Methanobrevibacter      14
                                       Haloferax               11
