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源码售价: 5 个金币 积分规则     积分充值
资源说明:Clone of http://code.google.com/p/uits/

   Licensing information for this project is contained in the file LICENSE included
   in the same directory as this README file.


    This README file describes the UITS_Tool version 2.0 distribution. For information about UITS, 
    please contact Universal Music group at uits.umusic.com.
	It is assumed that users of this tool have a familiarity with the Universal 
	Music Group's Unique Identifier Technology Solution (UITS). This version of
	the UITS_Tool supports the UITS Technical Specification, v1.1. For further 
	information on UITS, contact Universal Music Group.

	UITS_Tool is a command-line tool that creates, validates, and extracts UITS
	payloads. Version 2.0 suports MP3, AAC, WAV, FLAC and AIFF file formats.
	This distribution includes the following directories:
		uits/       The project root directory
		  trunk/    The Subversion trunk
                        doc/          UITS documentation
			source/       The source (.c) and header (.h) files used for both MacOS and Windows
			test-scripts/ Platform-independent test scripts
			test/         Platform-independent test files that are used by the scripts 
			              in the test-scriptsdirectory
				The Makefile, executable (UITS_Tool), libraries, shell script, and test files
				for building and running the tool from the Unix command line.
				A Mac X-Code project for building and running the UITS_Tool.
				The Makefile (windows.mak), executable (UITS_Tool.exe), libraries, scripts
				and test files for building the tool using MinGW and running the tool
				from a DOS command line.
	Under both Windows and MacOS, the tool is run from the command line. Open a terminal
	or DOS command window, cd to the directory containing the executable for the environment.
	For help:
		UITS_Tool help	   (Unix)
		UITS_Tool.exe help (DOS)
	The tool is also distributed with shell (or DOS command) scripts that make running the
	tool easier. Under unix, type ./runUITS.sh. Under DOS, type runUITS_create.bat or


   The UITS_Tool is written in C and has been compiled using the GNU C compiler on Mac
   and Windows (MinGW). It uses several open source libraries. Compiled versions of those
   libraries are distributed with the tool. To build in another environment, those
   libraries must be re-compiled. The three libraries are:
			OpenSSL -  (http://www.openssl.org/) Version 1.0 beta4 
			Libxml2 -  (http://xmlsoft.org/) Distributed with MacOSX 
			Mini-XML - (http://www.minixml.org/)
			FLAC     - (http://flac.sourceforge.net/)
	To build under MacOSX using X-Code, use the xcode project,
	To build under MacOSX from the command line:
		1. open a terminal window
		2. cd to uits-osx-make
		3. make
	To build under Windows:
		1. Install MinGW and Msys
		2. Run MinGW 
		3. cd to uits-win-mingw
		4. make -f windows.mak
   The test-scripts directory contains a UITS_TEST_README file which lists all of the test cases. 
   It also contains the scripts for running the tests:
	The testUITS script calls each of the other scripts. It will test whatever version of
	the UITS_tool is in the test-script directory. 
	To run all tests:
		1. cd to test-scripts
		2. ./testUITS (or ./testUITS help)
