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资源说明:BDB-based Message Store Plugin for Qpid c++ Broker
============ BDB-based Message Store Plugin for Apache Qpid C++ Broker ============

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For further information:
ZenCoders Website :



 - qpid broker headers and libraries (see below)
 - all prerequisites for qpid (see qpid's cpp/INSTALL file)
 - berkeley db4  (tested with version 4.3.29)

For the qpid requirements you can either install the qpidd-devel package or
check-out the qpid source from:


The following steps should build the package (all from the cpp directory):

0. If you are using an svn checkout of qpidd, then build this package following
   the instructions in the cpp/INSTALL file from that project. The store will not
   link without the library from that project. If you installed
   the qpidd package, then this library is installed.

1. './bootstrap' (This initializes the autotools)

2. If the qpidd package is installed, then:


   Otherwise, if using an svn checkout of qpidd (as opposed to installing
   the qpidd package), then:

   './configure --with-qpid-checkout='

   (Point to the top-level qpid dir in which the cpp and python dirs exist)

3. 'make' or 'make all' will build the module
   'make check' will run unit and system tests.

Note: Some system tests require qpid's python test framework, and therefore
will not run unless python is installed and qpidd is installed from
subversion and the --with-qpid-checkout option is used in configure.


On a RHEL4, some files must be patched to accomodate an early version of boost
and gcc. See cpp/rhel4-support/README. Note that there are some warnings seen on
RHEL4 builds and tests that are not present on other platforms.

On a Fedora system install prerequisites via:
  yum install db4-devel qpidd-devel

On a Debian-based system, install prerequisites via:
  apt-get install libdb4.3++-dev

On Debian, I need to get this file:
