资源说明:Event-Feed-Aggregator is a tool for aggregating event feeds from multiple sources into a single data set (in N-triples RDF format), which can then be presented consistently.
Event-Feed-Aggregator is a tool for aggregating event feeds from multiple sources into a single data set (in N-triples RDF format), which can then be presented consistently. It was developed for use on http://soton-diary.ecs.soton.ac.uk/ . To run the tool, firstly execute bin/getConfig, then execute bin/Event-Feed-Aggregator . you'll need to create the following directories after install: var/cache var/log var/output Dependencies: Graphite PHP RDF Library (https://github.com/cgutteridge/Graphite) ARC2 ARC RDF Classes for PHP (https://github.com/semsol/arc2) Rapper Raptor RDF parsing and serializing utility (http://librdf.org/raptor/rapper.html) famfamfam silk icons Icon Set (https://github.com/markjames/famfamfam-silk-icons) The file structure is as follows: bin/ scripts/ Contains various feed importer scripts, designed for a variety of source documents. createFrozenGraph.phpb Captures any additional metadata that should be stored, and along with the imported data, store this in a form that can be read efficiently. Event-Feed-Aggregator This is the main script that should be executed (preferably on a regular basis using cron). getConfig Gets the latest config from the Google Spreadsheet where it is hosted. runAllScrapers.phpb Responsible for invoking the various feed importer scripts, and controlling their execution times. diary.soton.ac.uk/ htdocs/ These are the documents that are intended to be served by the web server. view.php A simple web page to display all future events. img/ silk/ The famfamfam silk icon set (git submodule). etc/ sparql/ Set of SPARQL queries that are performed as part of createFrozenGraph.phpb . config.csv Feed configuration. Lists all feeds and the feed importer scripts which they use. config.php Configuration of path to files (and dependencies). lib/ options.php Loads the command line options to the feed importers. simple_html_dom.php Simple HTML parsing functions. (from http://simplehtmldom.sourceforge.net/) utils.php Various utility functions used by the feed importers. xml.php XML output functions. LICENCE GPL Licence. README This file.