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资源说明:PicaReader provides classes for reading Pica+ records encoded in PicaXML and PicaPlain.
#+TITLE: PicaReader -- Classes for reading Pica+ records
#+AUTHOR: David Maus
#+EMAIL: maus@hab.de

[![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/dmj/PicaReader.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/dmj/PicaReader)

* About

PicaReader provides classes for reading Pica+ records encoded in PicaXML and PicaPlain.

PicaReader is copyright (c) 2012-2017 by Herzog August Bibliothek Wolfenbüttel and released under the
terms of the GNU General Public License v3.

* Installation

You can install PicaReader via Composer.

composer require hab/picareader

* Usage

All readers adhere to the same interface. You open the reader with a string of input data by calling
=Reader::open()= and can call =Reader::read()= to read the next record in the input data. If the
input does not contain (anymore) records =Reader::read()= returns =FALSE=. Otherwise it returns
either a record object created with PicaRecord's =Record::factory()= function.

  $reader = new \HAB\Pica\Reader\PicaXmlReader()
  $record = $reader->read();

To filter out records or fields you can attach a filter to the reader via =Reader::setFilter()=. A
filter is any valid PHP callback that takes an associative array representing the record as argument
and returns a possibly modified array or =FALSE= if the entire record should be skipped.

The array representation of a record is defined as follows:

RECORD   := array('fields' => array(FIELD, …))
FIELD    := array('tag' => TAG, 'occurrence' => OCCURRENCE, 'subfields' => array(SUBFIELD, …))
SUBFIELD := array('code' => CODE, 'value' => VALUE)

Where =TAG=, =OCCURRENCE=, =CODE=, and =VALUE= are the respective properties of a Pica+ field or

For example, if your source delivers malformed PicaXML records like so:


You can attach a filter function to remove these fields with an invalid tag:

  $reader = new PicaXmlReader();
  $reader->setFilter(function (array $r) { 
      return array('fields' => array_filter($r['fields'],
                                            function (array $f) {
                                              return isset($f['tag']) && \HAB\Pica\Record\Field::isValidFieldTag($f['tag']);
  $record = $reader->read(…);

* Acknowledgements

Large parts of this package would not have been possible without studying the source of
[[http://search.cpan.org/dist/PICA-Record/][Pica::Record]], an open source Perl library for handling Pica+ records by Jakob Voß, and the practical
knowledge of our library's catalogers.

* Footnotes
