资源说明:Basic javascript countdown clock
# Description Basic countdown timer used on www.lifechurch.tv and for live.lifechurch.tv. # Requirements JSON data with a unix timestamp for the time you're counting down to. Sample: {"next_timestamp":1330043400,"next_title":"Samson","next_description":"Emotions That Take Strong Men Down"} "next_title" and "next_description" are completely optional. If you choose not to use them, you can remove references to them in the sample HTML, CSS, and JS. # Notes 1. Some browsers (like Chrome) are big fans of making AJAX calls to local files. So if you want to test out this code as-is, just fire up a Python server and point your browser to ```http://localhost:8000``` $ cd /my-project-path/ $ python -m SimpleHTTPServer 2. The sample JSON file (data.json) includes a timestamp that may be old. If you load this all up to preview it, make sure you change the timestamp to something in the future.