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资源说明:Situation and Language Understanding Robot Platform

*Situation Language Understanding Robot Platform*

SLURP is a system for converting natural language commands into
controls for a robot.

SLURP consists of a number of modules:

- Penn Pipeline: The UPenn natural language processing pipeline
- Semantics: Natural language understanding tools
- JR: Interface to the UMass Lowell Robotics Lab ATRV Jr. platform
- LTLBroom: Interface to the Cornell Autonomous Systems Lab LTLMoP platform

SLURP has been tested on OS X, Linux, and Windows.

Getting started

## Downloading the code:
- If you use git, clone the repository URL above, i.e.,
`git clone`
- If you cannot use git, click "Downloads" above and download a .zip/.tar.gz.

## Dependencies:
- Java JRE 1.6 or 1.7
- Python 2.7 (not 3.x)
- Python numpy and Polygon2 (may be required because of LTLMoP)

## Setup

- You need to download the Penn Pipeline by running `python`.  If you can't run that script on a machine with internet access,
download `` and unzip
it in the root of the repository. You then need to decompress the parser model
located at `SUBTLEPipeline-master/models/wsjall.obj.gz` to `wsjall.obj` in the
same folder.
- You will need to configure all the dependencies so
that the executable are on your PATH (i.e., java, python).

## Testing the pipeline

To confirm that the pipeline is working, try the following:

- In one terminal, run `python`
- In another terminal, run `python` and enter
  any sentence you want and hit enter.

An example from a working system:

Terminal 1:

$ python
pipelinehost: Waiting for connection...
pipelinehost: Connected to ('', 51188)
Message: {u'text': u'This is a test.'}
Sending: '(S  (NP-SBJ-A (DT This)) (VP (VBZ is) (NP-PRD-A (DT a) (NN test)))(. .))'

Terminal 2:

$ python
> This is a test.
Sending: '{"text": "This is a test."}\n'
Waiting for response...
(S  (NP-SBJ-A (DT This)) (VP (VBZ is) (NP-PRD-A (DT a) (NN test)))(. .))
Running In Conjunction with LTLMoP
Clone the LTLMoP repository recursively with: git clone --recursive git://

Checkout the LTLMoP gumbo branch via: git checkout gumbo

Compile the java code in LTLMoP/src/etc/jtlv via: sh

Checkout the frames (trouble checking out pragbot branch from LTLMoP) branch of SLURP via: 
* cd LTLMoP/src/etc/SLURP
* git fetch origin frames
* git checkout frames

* LTLMoP/src/etc/SLURP/
* LTLMoP/src/etc/SLURP/
* Compile Pragbot code (see Pragbot repo)
* Pragbot/
* Pragbot/* 
