资源说明:A proof-of-concept project code to control an AC induction motor with DMX
AVR code used for driving a 3-phase AC induction motor using DMX512. The communication chain is as follows: - PC with GNU/Linux and [QLC][qlc], a software lighting console; - ENTTEC [DMX USB Pro][enttec] for USB-DMX conversion; - Metalab's [Metaboard][metaboard] and two 75176 chips to do DMX-Modbus translation; - a Delta Electronics [VFD-L][vfd] variable frequency driver, uses the Modbus protocol for communication; - a 3-phase AC induction motor. This was all done in one day, more or less as a proof-of-concept. Therefore, some values are hard-coded. Reuse value is limited. If you're looking for a proper Modbus implementation for embedded devices, take a look at [FreeMODBUS][freemodbus]. License: GPL3 [qlc]: http://qlc.sourceforge.net/ [enttec]: http://www.enttec.com/index.php?main_menu=Products&prod=70304&show=description [metaboard]: https://metalab.at/wiki/Metaboard [freemodbus]: http://www.freemodbus.org/ [vfd]: http://www.delta.com.tw/product/em/drive/ac_motor/ac_motor_product.asp?pid=1&cid=1&itid=3