文件大小: unknow
源码售价: 5 个金币 积分规则     积分充值
资源说明:Ruby implementation of the Supermarket Pricing problem
Supermarket Pricing Exercise
This project contains one possible solution to the Supermarket Coding Exercise.  The goal of this project is to implement
various pricing schemes (buy x get y free, additional tax, sale prices, etc) for a supermarket chain.  New pricing schemes
may be introduced over time, so the solution must be flexible to account for this change.

My Solution

I used rubys built-in support for the observer pattern to implement this solution.

The Checkout class, which is observable, keeps track of all scanned products and the total price for the scanned items.  Each
deal is implemented as an observer of the Checkout class.  At checkout, each pricing scheme is asked to apply its particular
algorithm to the products in the shopping cart, updating the cart contents and total price accordingly.

* All prices are integers, in no particular unit.

Directory Layout
* config - contains database.yml for ActiveRecord configuration
* db - stores database migrations
* feaatures - cucumber tests
* models - the model objects used to implement the spermarket pricing schemes
* spec - rspec tests

How do I see it work?

This solution uses [Bundler]( for dependency management.  Checkout the application and type

from the root of the checkout.

Next, create the products database by typing

    rake migrate

This project was developed using Cucumber and Rspec.

To run the [Cucumber]( tests, type


To run the [Rspec]( unit tests, type

    rspec spec/_spec.rb
