文件大小: unknow
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资源说明:Simple Navigation Documentation Script with support for multiple languages ​​and Ajax navigation HTML5 History / pushState URLs. Nav Doc Script V2 is here:
Simple little script coded in PHP and using only functions!
It lets you add files very easily. Dwt easily documentation for your software.
The script supports gersion languages ​​and provides an interface in Ajax with jQuery.

==== Installation ====
No installation.
Simply place your documentation files with the extension. Dwt in a language folder or create a new one with your tongue.

==== P.S. ====
This version is still in BETA.
Please contact me with any colaboration with me to develop this script.


----- Operating System -----  
Linux, BSD, Solaris, Windows or Mac

----- Web Server -----
Apache, CGI, FastCGI, IIS or ISAPI

----- Application Server -----
PHP 5.3.0 or higher
