资源说明:Request countdown information for a list of London bus stops and display on a single page
All information taken from tfl.gov.uk Transport for London (TfL), the London trasnport authority, launched "Countdown" at the end of 2011 allowing to view live bus departures for a majority of bus stops in London, based on its name or unique number. It is currently limited to a simple webpage displaying information for a single stop at the same time. At the moment (March 2012) there is no API available to access this information, so we are limited to HTML scraping. This script contains a hard-coded list of bus stops. For each element in the list, we get the mobile version of the corresponding TfL website and collect essential data which is then presented in a single simple webpage. The script and generated HTML code are very basic and serve my personal need to choose among available bus stops in my area and minimize waiting time on the street. Links: http://m.countdown.tfl.gov.uk/ http://www.tfl.gov.uk/corporate/projectsandschemes/11560.aspx Full list of the bus stop locations and codes (PDF 7.7MB) http://www.tfl.gov.uk/assets/downloads/corporate/bus-stop-codes.pdf