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资源说明:implement DES in Ruby for BUAA SE Infomation Security homework assignment
DES Ruby


- [What's This?](#what-is-this)
- [What's DES?](#what-is-des)
- [What's Ruby?](#what-is-ruby)
- [Who Are You?](#who-are-you)
- [Why You Create This Repository?](#why-you-create-this-repository)
- [License](#license)

What's This?

Just as the name implies, this is a DES Ruby Implementation. It is a homework assignment of BUAA Software Engineering's information security course. [**Wang Haiquan**]( is the lecturer of this course. And [**Yu Yang**]( is the TA.

I'm asked to implement DES using C or Java, but I haven't been coding C/Java for a long time, and more familiar with scripting languages like Python, CoffeeScript/JavaScript, Ruby. So I decided to implement DES in Ruby first as a good starting point, then rewrite it using C or Java.

What's DES?

Please check [this wiki page](

What's Ruby?

You can check [its offical website](, or [this wiki page]( if you prefer.

Who Are You?

I'm [**Labi Kyo**]( ( **Li Xinyue** ), BUAA Software Engineering Junior, web developer, starter. Love Python,Ruby and JavaScript, write nodejs/Rails.

Why You Create This Repository?

I know there are thousands of implementation for DES and mine might be the worst, I just do it in order to prove that I implement this algorithm myself. It's also a practice for BDD, sharing and open-source coding. Also, I want to have some code to show my future employe{r,e} and friends.

It's the first time I follow GPL's document and really use a license. It's also the first time I use markdown to write documents. I'm feeling pretty good and I'd like to contribute more open-source codes.

(The GPL License)

Copyright © 2012 Labi Kyo <>

This file is part of DES Ruby Implementation.

DES Ruby Implementation is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.

DES Ruby Implementation is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with DES Ruby Implementation.  If not, see .
