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Visual Basic (VB)

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资源说明:Introduction to microEngineering Labs’ LAB-X1 Experimental Board use Basic. This tutorial introduces you to the basic techniques used to run small DC, DC servo, stepper, and R/C servo motors with microcontrollers. It concentrates on using the microcontrollers made by the Microchip Corporation, with particular emphasis on the 16F877A and 18F4331 40-pin microcontrollers. It uses microEngineering Labs’ LAB-X1 board to make things easier for the experimenter, but you do not need to have the board to learn to do what needs to be done. Other MCUs and microprocessors made by other manufacturers can also be used. They are similar, and techniques similar to those developed herein are used. (Running larger motors is essentially a matter of using more powerful amplifiers the techniques described herein for running them are the same.)
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