文件大小: unknow
源码售价: 5 个金币 积分规则     积分充值
资源说明:Select a specific set of unique items using a small number of inputs
Quick Gem Selection System

The purpose of this software is to demonstrate an alternative method of gem selection for Street Fighter X Tekken. 

This project will compile using Visual Studio 2010. The include and lib directories pointing to SFML will probably need to be changed once the source code has been cloned to your local machine, but once that is done, everything should just work. 

The software is configured to work with Joystick 0, and was tested with an Xbox 360 Mad Catz TE using the standard Street Fighter XYRB/ABRT layout.

To set up a gem unit, select three gems by entering each of their three-digit gem numbers.

1 through 9: Direction + LP
0:           MP
Backspace:   LK
