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资源说明:An open-source format and tools for game developers :video_game:

SEA3D 1.8


Open-source format and tools for game developers.

**List of Features**

* Open-source | Cross-platform
* Streamming and Progressive Download
* Export Animation ( Takes ), Texture, Material, Skeleton ( Skin ), Vertex Animation, Morph ( +1000 slots ), Camera, Lights, Environment and Helpers
* Instancing of Geometry, Material, Texture and Animation
* Lossy Compression ( Google Draco and Open3DGC )
* Lossless Compression ( Lzma and Deflate )
* Native Scripting Language ( Export to Java Script )
* Scene Hierarchy
* Physics and Sounds Supports
* Multiple Channels Texture and Mapping
* Native Support for DetailMap, LightMap and Multilayer Blend Texture
* Custom Shaders and Attributes
* Automatic Bake
* Cube Mapping and ATF Textures
* Binary format
* And More+


Official Page / Examples

Help and Questions? Use SEA3D Forum


SEA3D Studio - Windows / Web (Lite)
Free cross-platform 3D IDE for games.

[![SEA3D Studio](](


**Introduction / Download**

**Download Lite**

**Web (Lite)**

**SDK Framework**

SEA3D Exporter
Easy and wide range of 3d features, export entire scenes to SEA3D with just few clicks.

[![SEA3D Exporter](](

SEA3D I.O. Tools
Optimize your SEA3D with LZMA and Draco compressing.


SEA3D Player
Focused for artists and very useful to view models, animations and others.

**WebGL** ****

**Flash** ****

SEA3D Lip Sync
Runtime speech recognition and lip sync using MFCCs by Sunag Technology. **(soon)**

[![SEA3D Lip Sync](](

SEA3D Social Pages



Copyright © Sunag Entertainment
