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资源说明:JavaScript implementation of the TrueSkill algorithm

[TrueSkill]( is a
skill-based ranking system developed by Microsoft Research. It is used by Xbox
LIVE to rank and match players. This package implements TrueSkill in
JavaScript as an [npm]( package.


Import the module.

    var trueskill = require('trueskill');

### TrueSkill
`TrueSkill` encodes parameters about the game.

    var env = new trueskill.TrueSkill({
      mu: 25,
      sigma: 25 / 3,
      beta: 25 / 6,
      tau: 25 / 300,
      draw: 0.1


- `mu`: the initial mean
- `sigma`: the initial standard deviation
- `beta`: the number of skill points to guarantee an 80% chance of winning
- `tau`: the dynamics factor
- `draw`: the probability of a draw in [0, 1]

### Rating
`Rating` encodes a player's rating.

    var rating = new trueskill.Rating(mu, sigma);


- `mu`: the mean value of the rating
- `sigma`: the standard deviation of the rating

### transformRatings
`transformRatings` calculates updated ratings based prior ratings and the
outcome of a game.

    var newRatings = env.transformRatings(
        { 'p1': r1, 'p2': r2 },
        { 'p3': r3, 'p4': r4 }
      [ 2, 1 ]);


- `teams`: an array of teams, where each team is a map of player id to prior rating
- `ranks`: the ranks of the teams, where 1 indicates the winner

### matchQuality
`matchQuality` calculates the quality of a match as a function of the probability
of all teams drawing.

    var quality = env.matchQuality(
        { 'p1': r1, 'p2': r2 },
        { 'p3': r3, 'p4': r4 }

where the `teams` parameter is the same as `transformRatings`.


- [TrueSkill](
- [TrueSkill Calculator](
- [Computing Your Skill](
