资源说明:Fire a macro of F1...Fn keys to Lineage II client
## Download here [Autofire - DarkBlue Version](https://github.com/println/autofirel2/releases/download/1.1.2/AutoFire_1.1.2_DarkBlue_Win10.zip) ![12376759_920494944685192_2739661586323627107_n](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/1585951/34073318-22f55318-e27e-11e7-9660-e6e1e2db79d1.png) #### Facebook's fanpage: [https://www.facebook.com/autofirel2/](https://www.facebook.com/autofirel2/) ### Tecnology - C# - Windows Forms (windows desktop app) - XML - User32.DLL keyboard hook(capture all input) - Windows Processes Monitor - User32.DLL SendMessage(not work with directInput) - .Net 3.5 - Concurrency (Threads) ## AutoFire [Pt-Br] Macro para as teclas Fxx do teclado, similar ao CPReload, para Lineage II. Keyboard macro to function keys, like the CPReload. Working to Lineage II client game. ### Windows 10 bug [Pt-Br] Você pode usar o autofire com o windows 10 utilizando uma das três opções listadas a baixo: - Desativar a barra de jogos do XBOX(Win+G no jogo) - Ou Colocar o l2.exe em modo de compatibilidade com o windows 7/8 - Ou colocar o autofire em modo de compatibilidade com o windows 7/8 You can use autofire with Windows 10 by one of three options below: - Disable the XBOX's game bar(WinKey + G in game) - Or Run the l2.exe in compatibility mode to windows 7/8 - Or run the autofire.exe in compatibility mode to windows 7/8