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资源说明:ENGE 1104 Project
This is a Arduino sketch that can be used to play Tetris on the Peggy2 board, which was developed as a project for ENGE 1104 at Virginia Tech. The necessary code is currently contained in the peggy_tetris directory. tetris.c and tetris2.c are older libraries that are now contained entirely in the Arduino sketch.

Gameplay requires the board contain four directional buttons
- Left is mapped to moveLeft()
- Right is mapped to moveRight()
- Down is mapped to drop()
- Up is mapped to rotate()

Note that buttons need to be depressed until the next clock cycle in order to be recognized. The initial delay between line changes is 1000ms, but this decreases by 5% after each clock cycle.

The game is lost when new pieces cannot be added to the current board. Full lines are automatically deleted, and the tiles are pushed downwards.

External documentation:
