文件大小: unknow
源码售价: 5 个金币 积分规则     积分充值
资源说明:Tetris implemented in MIPS assembly

* Pygame
* spim

You need to run this under Unix, Windows does not have a command
line version of spim which our program depends on.

How it works:

Spim doesn't have graphics support, random number support, or direct
keyboard input support, so we're using Python as a wrapper. Python
starts up spim as a subprocess and then manages its STDIN and STDOUT
for communcation

How to run it:

$ python boardinterpreter.py


We currently have one known bug that involves rotating the T-piece
near the top of the board. In some instances the piece will freeze
and MIPS will request a new piece from Python. We have been unable
to find the bug or replicate it consistantly. The bug does not
happen in every instance making it difficult to track down. We would
love any suggestions on how to squash this bug.

Also, some of the pieces may no behave exactly as they should when it
comes to picking a rotation pivot.
