资源说明:a tiny little printer
# TINY LITTLE PRINTER This is a set of scripts for producing and consuming receipt printer-ready data, using a very simple weather forecast as an example. TODOS: this really should be a makefile or similar, configuring everything on first-run. Some nasty hard-coded URL's, etc. Need some kind of tokenized security. ## Setting up the server -Pick a URL to be printed I'm using ``index.php`` as a sample URL-to-be-printed; it's a simple weather forecast. -Configure pbm.php. Note the "http://url/to/pbm.php" ## Setting up the client: - Edit "get_weather.sh", changing the remote "pbm.php" file and the local printer IP address. - Put the "get_weather.sh" somewhere meaningful - Setup Launchd `` cd server; cp com.ilikenicethings.littleprinter.plist /Library/LaunchDaemons/; launchctl load /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.ilikenicethings.littleprinter.plist; `` ## To make further changes to the client: `` launchctl unload /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.ilikenicethings.littleprinter.plist `` then, once you're finished editing: `` launchctl load /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.ilikenicethings.littleprinter.plist ``