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资源说明:Scheme->CoffeeScript Transcompiler
# coffee.scm
by Erich Blume 

This work hereby placed in the public domain, including all other files in
this directory or in this project.

Convert selected Scheme (guile) expressions in to equivalent CoffeeScript

# About this project

This scheme file was created for a homework assignment in Johny Martin's San Jose State University [Programming Language Principles]( class.

In its current state, it is not what I would consider feature-complete nor bug-free. In particular, see the 'Known Limitations' section. Personally, I suspect a 'complete' solution will need an entirely different approach from the ground up.

Patches are accepted!

# Supported Expressions

* Basic arithmetic: +, -, /, *, and, and or.
* Basic comparison: =, <, >, <=, and >=.
* "if/else" (and bare-"if") statements.
* Numeric, String, and boolean (#t and #f) literals
* Quoted lists (which become literal arrays)
* Bare identifiers (in other words, variables get their names returned
  rather than having their values dumped).
* Lambda forms (eg. "(lambda (x y z) (x+y+z))")
* Define statements, including both basic defines (eg (define a 3)) and
  the shortcut lambda syntax (eg (define (foo x) (+ x 2)))
* Both lambda forms and define-lambda forms may have multiple statements.
* Lambda forms may be evaluated anonymously (ie. without being 'defined')
* Arbitrary nesting of supported expressions. IE, you can nest an
  arbitrary amount of if/else constructs or lambda constructs. Indentation
  is tracked properly. Note that depending on the situation you may need
  to append a newline to a generated code block in order to properly
  delimit the scope in CoffeeScript. (This should feel natural.)
# Known Limitations

* Only the supported expressions (above) are defined, behavior when using
  any other expression is completely undefined (and likely to cause totally
  insane output).
* All basic arithmetic operators are converted to infix two-argument
  equivalents. If the scheme expression had more than two arguments, they
  will be parenthesized in a right-assosciative way. For example, (+ 2 3 4)
  becomes "(2 + (3 + 4))". In some cases this may produce unequivalent code.
  Also, single or no-operator scheme arithmetic expressions are not
  supported at all, any will likely cause an error (or could cause undefined
  behavior). Example: (and 3). Advice on resolving this limitation is 
  definitely accepted.
