文件大小: unknow
源码售价: 5 个金币 积分规则     积分充值
资源说明:mo is an attempt to copy node.js's architecture based on guile and libuv.
# mo

## mo(re) = guile + libuv

mo is an attempt to copy node.js's architecture based on guile and libuv.
On top of guile and libuv, have a fun to program in scheme in a platform like node.js.
User will benefit from both scheme language features and asynchronous IO.

This tool is incomplete and under heavy development.

## Build Instructions

Download source code from github:

	git clone git://
	cd mo
	make install

## Example

See `test/`:

	(require-mo "http" 'http)
	(http/start-server "" 8080
	  (lambda (req resp)
	    (hashq-set! resp 'body "hello world!")

Run example:

	mo test/

## Documents

See ``
