*WARN: pre-alpha do not use yet* * hmdb hmdb ** Usage FIXME: write ** License Copyright (C) 2012 FIXME Distributed under the Eclipse Public License, the same as Clojure. ** in-developement section *** TODO stuff to do [0%] **** TODO install locally a fixed version of darkStar *** how does it work ? **** scenario 1 ***** You have a normal darkStar ***** You cherry pick (and/or rebase ...) another branch/commit (...), this brings: ***** bring deps on clj ***** code src for hmdb ***** modification spring for using normal / enhanced dao ***** start darkStar ***** then you can choose (a chaud) to use normal dao or enhanced ones ***** you can also connect to the darkStar repl **** Clj proxy AttrDao, **** tell spring to use the proxy **** AttrDao - @Autoried **** AttrDaoImpl - @Dao **** scenario 2 ***** you have a normal darkStar jars ***** you run a script that patch it (we may use the classpath) - inject the generated clj dao impl - intruction that tell spring to use them ***** you have a clj project with darkStar patched as the deps (or classpath) ***** you launch your clj project normally in emacs ***** in the project launch jetty *** toolbox **** Creating a java webapp to attache to - Why? We need an existing Java WebApp to attache to. - How? Using Maven Archetypes: *note*: I choose a comet artifact because it's only one I found with an embeded jetty #+BEGIN_SRC sh mvn archetype:generate \ -DarchetypeGroupId=org.cometd.archetypes \ -DarchetypeArtifactId=cometd-archetype-jquery-jetty6 \ -DgroupId=my.groupid \ -DartifactId=mywebapp #+END_SRC