资源说明:Neo4j Server Extension for Streaming Cypher Results
## Streaming Cypher Just put the [jar](https://github.com/downloads/neo4j-contrib/streaming-cypher/streaming-cypher-extension-1.7.M03.jar) (streaming-cypher-extension-1.7.M03.jar) into neo4j-server/plugins and add this to the conf/neo4j-server.properties file org.neo4j.server.thirdparty_jaxrs_classes=org.neo4j.server.extension.streaming.cypher=/streaming Then you can issue curl -d'{"query":"start n=node(*) return n"}' -H accept:application/json -H content-type:application/json http://localhost:7474/streaming/cypher to query the graph and stream the results. Note, for rendering the existing format of the Neo4j-REST API (without the additional discoverable URLs) use `mode=compat`: curl -d'{"query":"start n=node(*) return n"}' -H accept:application/json;mode=compat -H content-type:application/json http://localhost:7474/streaming/cypher A pretty printing result is acquired by adding `format=pretty to the Accept Header. curl -d'{"query":"start n=node(*) return n"}' -H accept:application/json;format=pretty -H content-type:application/json http://localhost:7474/streaming/cypher A sample Parser/Client implementation is in org.neo4j.server.extension.streaming.cypher.CypherResultReader The format is for a query like: start n=node(*) match p=n-[r]-m return n as first,r as rel,m as second,m.name? as name,r.foo? as foo,ID(n) as id, p as path , NODES(p) as all // columns {"columns":["first","rel","second","name","foo","id","path","all"], // rows is an array of array of objects each object is { type : value } "rows":[ [{"Node":{"id":0,"data":{"name":42}}}, {"Relationship":{"id":0,"start":0,"end":1,"type":"knows","data":{"name":"rel1"}}}, {"Node":{"id":1,"data":{"name":"n2"}}}, {"String":"n2"}, {"Null":null}, {"Long":0}, {"Path": {"length":1, "start":{"id":0,"data":{"name":42}}, "end":{"id":1,"data":{"name":"n2"}}, "last_rel":{"id":0,"start":0,"end":1,"type":"knows","data":{"name":"rel1"}}, "nodes":[{"id":0,"data":{"name":42}},{"id":1,"data":{"name":"n2"}}], "relationships":[{"id":0,"start":0,"end":1,"type":"knows","data":{"name":"rel1"}}]}}, {"Array":[{"id":0,"data":{"name":42}},{"id":1,"data":{"name":"n2"}}]}]], // number of rows "count":1, // full runtime including streaming all the results "time":29} header params/websocket format (in protocol field) mode=none mode=compact mode=compat format=pretty ## websocket protocol * array of commands * each command is: [opcode, selector, data] * opcodes: ADD|DELETE|UPDATE _NODES | ADD|DELETE|UPDATE _RELS | CYPHER * selector: id, [ids], ref, { index:key : value}, { index : query}, * (selector after opcode or as start, end for relationships, traversals etc.) * ref is a lookup mechanism during command execution (in a context) * data is a map or a list of maps depending on command * streaming results function init() { ws = new WebSocket("ws://localhost:8080/command");ws.onmessage = function(evt) { console.log(evt.data);}} ws.send(JSON.stringify([["ADD_NODES",null,{data:{name:"foo"},ref:"foo", unique: { index: "test", key: "name", value:"foo"}}],["GET_NODES","*",null]])) ### commands * ADD_NODES : data is single or array of { data : {props}, ref : "ref", index : {index: key: value:} | [{}], unique: {index: key: value:}} * ADD_RELS : data is single or array of { data : {props}, ref : "ref",type:"type", start: selector, end : selector, index : {index: key: value: } | [{}], unique: {index: key: value:}} * DELETE_NODES : uses selector , if data is { force : true } it also deletes the relationships * DELETE_RELS : uses selector * UPDATE_NODES, UPDATE_RELS : uses selector, data is array or single of { data : {props}, ref : "ref", index : {index: [key:] [value:] [old:]}}, null values delete properties and index entries, old index value will be removed * CYPHER : data is { query : "query" , [params : { params}], useContext: true, mergeResult : true } useContext -> merges current context with params, merges cypher result with context