资源说明:created a web search engine using lucene web crawler.
In this project, we will design, implement and benchmark a search engine tailored for Sports, Science, Shopping and Health selected from the DMOZ. Module 1: CRAWLING module: For crawling implement two crawlers, selected from: depth-first, fish-search, shark- search. When ordering the decedents - give precedence to nodes that can be reached from multiple paths. You should target to crawl a minimum of 1000 pages and a maximum of 2000 pages. Module 2: Indexing module: You can use either Lucene or your own indexing method. Build an index for the crawled documents. Module 3: LINK ANALYSIS module: Implement any of the following algorithms: page-ranking, topic-based page ranking, SALSA or HITS) One algorithm implementation is required for link analysis. When building your web graph, generate virtual hyperlinks between any two pages that are decedents of a common node reached through two different paths (some originate in two different topics, but if they originate in the same topic it is acceptable to generate hyperlinks too). Measure the largest number of outgoing links in your graph and the largest number of ingoing links. Develop also a method of finding similar pages and their "fingerprint" and generate additional virtual links. Module 4: Retrieval module: Use the link analysis to combine the results with at least two additional retrieval models, e.g .vector model and probabilistic model. Generate a list of ranked documents as well as their relevance scores. Module 5: Query processing module: Read the query from an interface that you build – and returns the relevant documents. Also expose the same results obtained by Google and Bing on the same interface.