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资源说明:VFD routines for Futaba displays via Serial interfaces
routines for FUTABA VFD displays for ARDUINO.

Currently supported VFD's:
+ M162SD13AA (16x2 characters display, synchronous Serial Interface)
  supports graymode

+ M12BY02AA_B (12 character alpha num display,SPI)

+ P9002A01A (128x64 pixel display, SPI)
  + serial interface only and memory based mode (much faster but eats tons of SRAM)
  + graymode and BW mode supported
the same routines you might find for mbeds platform LPC1726 too.

The M162SD12AA should work too.

Most routines I have also for ATTiny23, STM32F, TMS320D26020, ATMEL Xmega-a1 (contact me)
